Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center

Name :

Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center

Address  :

1500 Division Street

Town  :

Oregon City

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Phone  :

503 656 1631

Web URL  :


Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center is proud to become the fourth and newest hospital in Providences Portland Service Area Since 1954 Willamette Falls has served the community as a notforprofit hospital dedicated to exceptional care We offer some of the most advanced technologies systems and services and remain committed to the tradition of community outreach and involvement
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney that had already been transplanted in one patient but started to fail into a second patient doctors reported on Wednesday In a report published in the the New England Journal of Medicine doctors documented the groundbreaking procedures of a kidney that had been transplanted twice in two weeks A... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More