Providence Hood River Mem Hosp


Name :

Providence Hood River Mem Hosp

Address  :

811 13th Street
PO Box 149

Town  :

Hood River

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

541 387 6450

Fax  :

541 387 6462

Web URL  :


About Providence
Providence Hood River is part of Providence Health amp Services Oregon a notforprofit network of hospitals care centers health plans physicians clinics home health and affiliated services

Providence is committed to providing the very best health care to the Columbia Gorge communities we serve in four counties two states and on both sides of the Columbia River From primary care physicians to specialized teams and clinical caregivers our medical staff provides the care you need close to home Whether were helping you stay healthy delivering your child caring for you or offering support services Providence continues our 153year Mission of compassion and excellence in care one patient one person and one family at a time
Michigan Hospital Designated Baby Friendly

DETROIT CBS Detroit Looking for a place to get comfy with your new baby Think about William Beaumont Hospital in Grosse Pointe which is the only hospital in the state designated as Baby Friendly by the group BabyFriendly USA BabyFriendly which is sponsored by the World Health Organization and United Nations Childrens Fund recognizes hospitals th... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

Even as hospitals increasingly adopt cloud computing there are still a lot of hurdles in the way Dr Devi Shetty Chairman and MD Narayana HruduyalayaNH wants to change the dynamics of healthcare in India He is changing the dynamics of hospitals by setting up beds at the lowest cost in as little time as possible To facilitate this NH recently tied... Read More