Providence Centralia Hospital


Name :

Providence Centralia Hospital

Address  :

914 S. Scheuber Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

WA 98531

Phone  :

(360) 736-2803

Web URL  :

Providence Centralia Hospital
  • Cancer Surgery
  • General Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 127

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


Providence Centralia Hospital
Providence Centralia Hospital is a 107bed notforprofit communitybased hospital A member of the largest health care provider in the West Providence Health amp Services Providence Centralia has grown its services and technology to become the heart of medical care in Lewis County

As a community hospital with outstanding technology Providence Centralia Hospital is large enough to provide stateoftheart services such as comprehensive cancer care sleep services MRI 64slice CT scans and digital mammography The hospital is also small enough to offer personal compassionate care as recognized by our national scores on nurse communication patient safety and patient satisfaction

Providence Centralia has an average daily census of 50 We consistently receive high scores on accreditation surveys by the Joint Commission the Washington Department of Health and the Washington Department of Social and Health Services In 2008 Providence Centralia Hospital was awarded the McKesson 2008 VIP Award for vision innovation and resultsdriven performance to improve patient safety quality and efficiency in health care

Providence Centralia Hospital is the first twotime health care winner of the Washington State Quality Award and is committed to providing highquality safe services to all patients regardless of their ability to pay The hospital also serves its community with outreach projects and complimentary health screenings
Karmanos Cancer Center receives HealthGrades 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award

HealthGrades analyzed patient satisfaction data for 3837 hospitals in the country using Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems HCAHPS hospital survey data obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS The information was compiled from surveys given to a random sample of patients who were discharged from ... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More