Pratt Regional Medical Center

Name :

Pratt Regional Medical Center

Address  :

200 Commodore

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

67124 3099

Phone  :

620 672 7451

Web URL  :

  • Dermatology
  • Family Practice
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Hematologist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry

Total Number Of Beds : 120


Pratt Regional Medical Center located in Pratt Kansas is a 501 c3 notforprofit facility owned by the citizens of Pratt County and managed by Pratt Regional Medical Center Inc

Dedicated to serving the needs of our community Pratt Regional Medical Center is a progressive medical center serving south central Kansas and the panhandle of Oklahoma We are proud of our modern 69 bed acute care facility 51 bed shortterm and longterm care facility home health agency rural health clinics and specialty physician clinics

Pratt Regional Medical Center does receive some financial support from the Pratt Health Foundation another 501c3 organization The Pratt Health Foundations purpose is to raise money for the purchase of medical and technical equipment for the hospital as well as it encourages healthy lifestyles

As the largest employer in Pratt County we believe our employees are our most valuable asset in fulfilling our mission to provide excellent and compassionate healthcare services Our employees enjoy a comprehensive range of benefits necessary for meaningful employment Pratt Regional Medical Center employees are Simply the Best

Pratt Regional Medical Center provides excellent and compassionate healthcare services

Pratt Regional Medical Center will be the healthcare provider of choice in South Central Kansas


PRMC History
The Pratt County Hospital was built as the result of the vision and commitment of individuals the Pratt County Commissioners the Pratt County Hospital Board of Trustees and physicians The original idea for a city hospital dates back to 1930 Following World War II building materials were almost unavailable and a significant increase in the projected costs changed the focus from a city hospital to a county hospital


April 22 1947The county hospital proposition

Nov 15 1948Ground breaking ceremony

Aug 6 1950Pratt County Hospital was dedicated
The final cost of the 64bed hospital was 925000

Sept 11 1950The first patient was admitted

1950 through 1988Managed by Sisters of St Joseph
of Wichita Kansas

1988 to presentManaged by PRMC Inc

Additions to the Building

Oct 8 1961A threestory wing of the hospital
containing all private rooms was dedicated
increasing hospitals capacity to 86 beds

March 20 1978Name of the hospital changed to
Pratt Regional Medical Center to reflect the level
of care provided and the services offered

19817 million expansion and remodeling project
was completed to provide for additional services
and to update the facility to OSHA JCAHO and
Kansas Department of Health amp Environment standards

Aug 8 1994First physician office opened at the
South Central Medical Clinic

Jan 26 1999Phase I of a construction project
began with new parking lots north of the PRMC

Sept 11 2000Pratt Regional Medical Complex a
fourstory 65000 square foot building was
dedicated during a ceremony honoring the 50th
anniversary of the first admission

History of PRMC Services and Milestones

Since 1950 PRMC has grown and increased the number of services to meet the primary and secondary health care needs of the public Please make your selection from our current list of services in the column on the left

PRMC Services and Milestones 1950present

Physical therapy added

Coronary Care Unit added

Social Services added

Respiratory Care Services added

Nuclear Medicine services added

Gifts and Bequests Committee formed to encourage
memorial and estate gifts

Pastoral Care Department added

Cardiopulmonary services were expanded with
echocardiograms and holter monitoring

Life WATCH helicopter service added

Roomingin started in the obstetrical unit

Eightbed Special Care Unit opened

Ambulatory Surgery and Outpatient Department was

The Unit Dose Medication System started

Birthing room opened

Lifeline Program established by the Pilot Club of
Pratt with PRMC receiving the call

Home Health opened

Skilled Nursing Unit opened

Cataract surgery was offered

PRMC acquired a CAT Scanner

PRMC became the first hospital in Kansas to achieve
the computer capability to transmit medical record
abstracts via a telephone modem to the Kansas
Health Data Systems in Topeka

Outpatient oncology and chemotherapy services added

A 45 by 45 helipad meeting Federal Aviation
Agency guidelines was purchased

PRMC acquired mobile MRI services

Laboratory services were expanded to the Pratt
Medical Plaza

Lithotripsy services were implemented as an
alternative to surgery for kidney stones

Physical Therapy Department added the Lido Active
MultiJoint Isokinetic System

Heartland Hearing Services audiology and hearing
aid services were added

PRMC and visionary community members form a
separate 501 c 3 organization called the Pratt
Health Care Services Foundation PHCSF to
facilitate the provision of quality health care
services and ensure future services

The Foundation promotes and funds charitable
educational and scientific purposes deemed to be in
the public interest for the provision of health
care The PHCSF and the Gifts and Bequests
Committee work together to encourage charitable
gifts to PRMC

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced

Computer enhanced video endoscopy was added

24hour inhouse coverage of the Emergency Room
was achieved

MaternityNewborn Hotline was started

PRMC was selected to be a member of VHA Inc

Pratt Rural Health Clinic opened

Pulmonary medicine was added

New Beginnings opened

Addition of two internists one family practice
physician and an orthopedic surgeon

Phase I of the new Computer Program and Systems
Inc CPSI computer system went live financial

MRI Services updated

Phase II of CPSI was operational order entry

Major redecorating effort was underway

Color flow doppler ultrasound equipment was placed
in use

WellMotherWellBaby Clinic introduced

Kinsley Rural Health Clinic opened

Urologist joined the medical staff

Home Health Agency reopened

Schedule coordinators were hired

Physical therapy department moved to Suite D in the
South Central Medical Clinic

Pratt Regional Living Center became a department of
the medical center

Cat Scanner replaced with CT ProSpeed

PRMC Web Site was active and twoway interactive
video teleconferencing was installed

Obstetrical services moved to the Family Birth

PRMC purchased South Central Orthopedic Clinic

Southern Plains Health Network between Comanche
County Hospital and PRMC opened

Email and Internet access

Cardiac Rehabilitation added

SpeechLanguage Pathology added

Occupational Therapy added

Pratt Dialysis Center opened

South Central Occupational Health opened

Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the Sleep Medicine
Clinic opened

PRMC Radiology Department staff began using the
Legacy D state radiography and digital fluoroscopy

Family Birth Suites opened

The Surgicenter became a department of PRMC

Newborn hearing screening began

Pratt Kids Care opened

XPress Chart System was installed in the Emergency

Millennium MG Scalable Nuclear Imaging System was

Second video endoscopy suite was added

Kiowa District Hospital and Medicine Lodge Memorial
Hospital became members of the Southern Plains
Health Network between

Voice Recognition transcription was initiated in

Automated transcription was made available to all

Pratt Health Care Services Foundation changes its
name to Pratt Health Foundation and its mission
to promote health and provide financial support
for PRMC

South Central Kansas Heartburn Center added

PRMC awarded threeyear term of accreditation in
mammography by the American College of Radiology

New Siemens 3000 Nova equipment installed expanding
PRMC capabilities to include mammography screening
bilateral diagnostic unilateral diagnostic breast
sonography and additional followup

Capital Campaign funds purchase of Teleradiology

Mobile PET Scan added

Farmer clinics added

PHF Capital Campaign purchases 16 slice CT
Scanner The Gilham family funds renovations to
the ER

PRMC purchased a 16slice CT scanner two
Ultrasound machines and a Bedside Charting system
with funds generated through the Pratt Health
Foundations Capital Campaign

Added two rooms to the ER Department and moved the
waiting area to the front entrance

In December PRMC and members of the medical
community opened the Pratt Open MRI on the first
floor of the Pratt Regional Medical Complex

PRMC contracted with United Radiology of Salina to
provide radiology coverage for PRMC

In November PRMC contracted with Medical Lodges to
consult on adding skilled services to Pratt
Regional Living Center A remodel name change and
additional services are being planned In April
2007 Pratt Regional Living Center became Pratt
Rehabilitation and Residence Center to reflect the
skilled services now available PRMC contracted
with Key Rehab to provide some of the skilled
professionals and PRMC staff is also providing
Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy and Speech
therapy to patients at PRRC

In December construction on the front entrance
began Redesigning the guest services area to be
more customer friendly was the main objective

Stanion family funds renovations to the front

In January remodel of the two new outpatient
surgical suites was complete The new surgical
suites are on the third floor of the hospital
where the old nursery and OB unit was located

Also in January the Gifts and Bequests committee
was assimilated by the Pratt Health Foundation
which will maintain the name as a Christmas
memorial gift program and the designation for
undesignated funds for PRMC technical medical
equipment purchases

During April Pratt Regional Living Center receives
Medicare Certification and name changes to Pratt
Rehabilitation and Residence Center

In July the Pratt Health Foundation was awarded
Community Service Tax Credits for 2007 and 2008
The tax credits amount to 155000 which will net
PRMC 221000 All of this money will be used to
purchase a Patient Lift system and Bariatric beds

In SeptemberOctober 2007 new Carm was purchased
for radiology

Pratt Health Foundation purchases Electronic
Document System and a new CArm

Pratt Health Foundation provides resources for PRMC
Wireless Network Upgrade PHF purchases CPSI
Electronic Record System PHF obtains grant to
purchase Broslow Kits resuscitation kits tailored
for children

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