Pioneer Community Hospital of Aberdeen


Name :

Pioneer Community Hospital of Aberdeen

Address  :

400 S Chestnut St
P O Box 548

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

662 369 2455

Web URL  :

  • Family Practice

Total Number Of Beds : 35


Pioneer Community Hospital of Aberdeen is a licensed 35bed Critical Access facility serving the residents of Monroe County and the surrounding area We are committed to providing highquality costeffective primary hospital care and emergency services in the comforts of familiar surroundings with the support of family members Outstanding providers dedicated staff and a caring environment are the qualities that set us apart

We are conveniently located at 400 South Chestnut Street in Aberdeen MS Our facility is able to meet your medical needs with several different units and treatment programs
Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

ELMER South Jersey Healthcare Elmer Hospital has been awarded international recognition as a babyfriendly birth facility The hospitals MaternityCare team is the first in New Jersey to earn the designation from BabyFriendly USA The accrediting body implements the United Nations Childrens Fund and World Health Organization BabyFriendly Hospital I... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More