Person Memorial Hospital

Name :

Person Memorial Hospital

Address  :

615 Ridge Road

Town  :


State  :

North Carolina

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

336 599 2121

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Hematologist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 110

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray


About Us
Why Choose Person Memorial
Quality Health Care With A Personal Touch
Person Memorial Hospital in Roxboro NC is a notforprofit community hospital where oldfashioned traditions of caring kindness and compassion join with modern facilities and equipment to provide you the best possible health care To better serve our community we recently completed modernizing our Intensive Care Unit Emergency Department Surgical Suites Laboratory and Specialty Care Clinic

Mission Vision Values
To ensure local access to appropriate familyoriented wellness acute and extended care services provided with the quality affordability and compassion our community expects and deserves

To be the first choice of our community for health and wellness services To be a progressive desirable and rewarding place to work To provide progressive facilities technology and programs that maximize the effectiveness of our medical staff To collaborate with other providers to ensue access to a full array of patient focused and quality oriented continuum of health and wellness services To be a strong corporate citizen of the community

Patient Safety Compassion Collaboration Innovation Integrity Fiscal Responsibility Physician Partnership Workplace Safety Service Excellence Staff Development


Before 1914 when a hospital stay was recommended or needed a Person County citizen had to travel first to Richmond Virginia and later to Raleigh or Durham to receive treatment or care

In 1914 Dr Charles Nichols opened the first hospital in Roxboro in his home It had eight beds and an operating room Surgeons came from Durham Dr Nichols died in 1918 and left the facility to his son Dr Austin Flint Nichols who operated the hospital for two more years until his private practice forced him to close

Dr G W Gentry Sr and Dr WC Williams an ear eye nose and throat specialist who practiced in Person County for a short period opened the GentryWilliams Hospital in December 1937 They purchased the Dan Andrews house on Depot Street and converted it into an eighteenbed facility with an operating room Dr Gentry operated the hospital until 1945 when he asked the county to take it over and the GentryWilliams Hospital became Community Hospital

About this time the Lester Blackwell Post of the American Legion was looking for a suitable project to honor and memorialize Person County veterans Ultimately a committee chaired by Reginald L Harris of Roxboro who at that time was lieutenant governor of North Carolina determined that a new hospital would be the most appropriate memorial project Fund raising began towards the end of 1945 and more than 3500 donations ranging from five cents to 50000 were received It is told that chairman Harris returned at least one donation with a note that if that were all the donor could afford the donor needed the money worse than the hospital Fortunately for Person County the donor responded with a significantly larger donation
Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

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Tips to keep kids safe at home

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