Olympic Medical Center

Name :

Olympic Medical Center

Address  :

939 Caroline Street

Town  :

Port Angeles

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

360 417 7000

Web URL  :


Welcome to Olympic Medical Center
Olympic Medical Center OMC located in Port Angeles Washington is a comprehensive health care provider for more than 70000 residents of Clallam County It provides emergency surgical and birth center services at its 126bed acute care hospital and outpatient services including cardiac imaging cancer care rehabilitation therapy laboratory nutrition diabetes education sleep medicine home health and primary and specialty care services at locations throughout the region

Thanks to a highly skilled medical staff stateoftheart equipment and access to world class health care resources we can provide local expertise for all your health care needs Thats why so many of your neighbors are choosing OMC

About OMC
Residents of the North Olympic Peninsula are fortunate to live in communities that not only offer a great quality of life but also the best of modern medicine From the latest surgical procedures to a host of outpatient services across dozens of medical specialties Olympic Medical Center rates as one of the finest community health care providers More important we are your partner in health wellness and healing

At a glance

Olympic Memorial Hospital in Port Angeles the
flagship of Olympic Medical Center has 126
licensed hospital beds

An average of 120 physicians midlevel
professionals and allied health providers are on
medical staff

Olympic Medical Center is the largest employer in
Clallam County with more than 1000 employees in
2008 including

1 850 Olympic Medical Center employees Port Angeles
and Sequim facilities

2 134 Olympic Medical Physician clinics employees
Port Angeles and Sequim facilities

3 52 Olympic Medical Home Health employees

Olympic Medical Centers patient mix includes

1 70 Government paid insurance 55 Medicare 13
Medicaid 2 other

2 26 Commercially paid insurance

3 4 Self pay


Established on Nov 1 1951 Olympic Memorial Hospital in Port Angeles Washington opened its doors and took its first significant steps towards becoming one of the top rural medical facilities in the country

In 1995 Olympic Medical Center chose to participate in the Washington Trauma Designated Hospital System This system defines standards of care requirements for participating hospitals Trauma levels range from 1 to 5 with Harborview as the only Level 1 in Washington State Olympic Medical Center is one of two Level 3s in the Olympic Peninsula region

Olympic Medicals retention of the former Virginia Mason primary care clinic in 2007 enabled over 18000 local residents to maintain access to primary care The retention of the Eighth Street Clinic not only allowed patients to continue seeing their own doctor but more importantly it averted the potential loss of primary care access this community needs

On August 19th 2008 Clallam County voters approved a tax levy increase to support Olympic Medical Center These tax dollars will be used to support the following areas

Todays Olympic Medical Center includes not only the hospital but also other services and facilities that provide high quality medical care in the community Olympic Medical Center has become the premier provider of health care services and the largest employer on the Olympic Peninsula with a staff of over 1000 employees It provides emergency surgical and birth center services at its 126bed acute care hospital and outpatient services including cardiac imaging cancer care rehabilitation therapy laboratory nutrition diabetes education sleep medicine home health and primary and specialty care services at locations throughout the region
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