Okanogan Douglas Hospital


Name :

Okanogan Douglas Hospital

Address  :

507 Hospital Way
PO Box 577

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Phone  :

509 689 2517

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Mission Purpose Values and Vision
Okanogan Douglas District Hospital is dedicated to serving the health and wellness needs of our communities by providing the highest standard of care coupled with efficient teamwork and effective utilization of resources and personnelquot

ODH administration is committed to promoting and fostering a positive work environment for our employee We have an open door policy and freely encourage our employees to actively participate in the growth and development of our facility We support and encourage our staff in their pursuit of professional excellence We believe that it is through the dedication support and tenacity of our staff that we will achieve success For this we thank youquot ODDH


Okanogan Douglas Hospitals History
The Hospital originated as a community action project in 194748 with people from Bridgeport Brewster and Pateros involved The initial solicitation of funds was by donation and community fund raising projects It was hoped that the goal of a 12bed hospital would be realized Financial difficulties developed soon after the start of construction and the Board of Directors realized that the formation of a hospital district was the only answer to their dilemma The District was formed and tax monies then made it possible to complete the 12bed facility which opened January 12 1949

Before long there were 26 patients in the 12bed facility In 1954 a waiting room and offices were added to the hospital present Business Office

It soon became apparent that the number of patients was not going to decrease especially with a large influx of people coming in for construction of Chief Joseph Dam The old building was not adequate for this influx and could not be made so by state standards so plans were put in motion to build an entirely new hospital

The District boundaries at the time included Duley Lake Monse Brewster Pateros and the lower Methow areas but the patients were coming from northern Douglas County and the upper Methow as well It was therefore decided that the first step toward expansion was to enlarge the District This was done by consolidating District 2 upper Methow to Mazama and annexing the Douglas County areas around Bridgeport and Mansfield

A bond issue was authorized by the voters in 1959 to build a new 35bed hospital and remodel the old building into a 36bed nursing home The new hospital opened on June 13 1959 The nursing home section was completed after that time

In 1969 the nursing home section was closed and all patients were moved to a new private nursing home in Brewster This allowed the utilization of the nursing home section for ancillary departments such as Physical Therapy Medical Records plus a Conference Room and offices for Purchasing and Administration

In 1973 again due to an extreme bed shortage and the need to enlarge and remodel some areas to meet current standards the voters authorized expansion of the facility to 50beds with extensive remodeling in the 1959 construction This construction allowed us to have new surgery suites recovery room a completely separate coronary care unit a pediatrics room an enlarged laboratory space and larger waiting room

In 1984 the voters authorized the construction of an 8bed Intensive Care Unit This addition plus some remodeling left the hospital with a total of 48beds

In 1986 the West Wing was converted from patient rooms to ancillary service areas and in 1987 a Nuclear Medicine Department was added In 1988 XRay and Respiratory were moved and remodeled thus leaving a 43bed facility

Our medical staff has grown from 2 general practitioners to multiple family practitioners and a medical staff with various specialties represented Specialties include surgery pediatrics internal medicine radiology and orthopedics

As the healthcare delivery system changes due to financial restraints which is bringing in managed care and as people continue to live longer due to better health care different types of facilities are coming into existence to cover those needs Our hospital is meeting one of those needs by building an Assisted Living facility which opened in 1998 as well as Healthbeat Fitness Center This is an example again of how our hospital will continue changing as the needs arise to keep up with new technology and new medicinal practices We want to be the type of facility that is ever evolving into a better environment for our patients and our employees We have a successful history of meeting the health care needs of the District and with continued community and employee support we will have a successful future
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