Oakwood Young Peoples Centre

Name :

Oakwood Young Peoples Centre

Address  :

Longley Centre
Norwood Grange Drive

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:

S5 7JT

Phone  :

+44 0114 2261601

Web URL  :

Oakwood Young Peoples Centre


This Centre provides InPatient and DayPatient care to young people from South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire

We work with complex and severe problems in young people from 12 16 years of age who have been assessed and referred to us by the community CAMHS teams

We offer care 24 hours per day and 365 days per year though many teenagers attend 5 days per week as a day attender or 5 days per week as a resident returning home at the weekends
Once assessed a teenager may have to wait some weeks for a bed to become available but we also respond promptly where there is a psychiatric emergency

We offer a full range of physical psychological social and educational interventions delivered by our multidisciplinary team

Patients and families requiring more information should initially contact their out patient CAMHS team

Professionals considering a referral can contact Carol Eckersley secretary to Dr Anthony Livesey Consultant Psychiatrist on 0114 226 1577

The Centre is situated on the site of the Northern General Hospital accessed via the Herries Road entrance where there is limited car parking

Oakwood School is adjacent to the Centre More details about Oakwood School are available at wwwoakwoodschoolsheffieldnet
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Tips to keep kids safe at home

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