Oaks Treatment Center’s


Name :

Oaks Treatment Center’s

Address  :

1407 W. Stassney Lane

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

800 843 6257

Web URL  :


For more than 60 years The Oaks Treatment
Centers staff has dedicated their training
expertise experience and passion to helping
kids in need Kids ages 517 who struggle
through their day due to an array of behavioral
emotional andor developmental problems

Our staff members and the care they provide are
our biggest asset Your child will be treated by a
team of experts in psychiatry psychology neuropsychology nursing individual and
family therapy and educationspecial education Our interdisciplinary team will work
together to formulate an effective individualized treatment plan to address problem
areas and support and develop your childs strengths

The Oaks Therapeutic Residential Community is a 118bed campusstyle facility
tucked away on 15 beautiful acres within the city limits of Austin Texas which provides
an ideal therapeutic setting in a yearround warm to moderate climate The campus
includes dormitorystyle living units ROPES outdoor course swimming pool sports
court gazebo gym dining hall recreational facility and school complex with classrooms
surrounding a courtyard As the name implies The Oaks Treatment Centers property
is filled with large shady oak trees Our Oaks Community is where Kids Come To Grow

Trampolines give heart a jump start with Skyrobics

INDIANAPOLIS It may be a nobrainer that a trampoline center would pack in youngsters But the Sky Zone in Fishers Ind which features a separate space for quotSkyrobicsquot also attracts adults looking for a buoyant way to burn calories as many as 1000 an hour according to the website of the facility that opened in December quotIts great cardio ... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More