Northkey Community Care

Name :

Northkey Community Care

Address  :

502 Farrell Drive
P.O. Box 2680

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

41012 2680

Phone  :

859 578 3200

Web URL  :


Our Mission
Transforming Lives and Communities through excellent service TLC


Our History
NorthKey History Highlights
NorthKey traces its beginnings to 1966 when it was known as the Northern Kentucky Mental HealthMental Retardation Board and had two employees offering outpatient services in Covington In the late 1960s the organization adopted a name used elsewhere in the country Comprehensive Care Center
In the late 1970s Comprehensive Care Center formed a board to manage a psychiatric hospital The hospital and outpatient organizations were officially joined in 1998 The current name NorthKey was adopted in 1999 NorthKey now maintains 17 offices throughout eight counties in Northern Kentucky

NorthKey History Timeline

Federal Legislation quotthe Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Actquot was enacted This legislation created a pool of matching fund dollars to allow states to develop community based treatment centers for mental health substance abuse and mental retardation services

Kentuckys quotPattern for Changequot document was submitted to the governor This document described the long range plan for development of a statewide community mental health system of care This plan called for the formation of a local volunteer regional board to serve as a quotresponsible mental health and mental retardation authority of the region in the operation of the regional programquot

Articles of Incorporation and bylaws of the Northern Kentucky MHMR Regional Board were registered with the Secretary of State the second regional board to be incorporated in the State of KentuckyNorthern Kentucky MHMR Regional Board held first meeting Wilbert Ziegler elected first Chairman of the BoardFirst Executive Director Joseph Emmanuel Willett was hired Staff operated from 3room apartment at 412 E 4th Street in Covington

Comprehensive Care Center the dba name of the MHMR Regional Board and NorthKeys name until 1999 was offering InformationScreeningReferral Services outpatient services consultation and education and through affiliates emergency and inpatient servicesBuilding bought at 2nd amp Greenup Outpatient and day treatment services initiated

Building bought at 718 Columbia Street Newport to provide services to Campbell County residentsA traveling clinic composed of a nurse and psychiatrist delivered services twice a month to Carroll and Grant counties
Day treatment programs in Covington and Grant County Inpatient services provided by Speers Hospital in Dayton KY

Droege House opens to provide treatment and shelter for male alcoholics
Friends of Comprehensive Care founded with a focus on reducing the stigma attached to mental illness

ShortTermLong Term Residential established for developmentally disabled adults

MHMR Board and Regional offices move to 430 Garrard Street
Forensic Psychiatric Team initiated to provide evaluation and treatment to individuals in the criminal justice system

First Adult Work Habilitation Service started in Boone County

Work Habilitation Services open in Pendleton and Carroll counties
Mental HealthMental Retardation Services tax first proposed to the eight county fiscal courts

Building purchased to house the Carroll County Work Habilitation Services
Childrens Outpatient Counseling Unit opened in Covington Senior services center named the quotLife Centerquot opened in Covington

Services expanded to Gallatin CountyInpatient mental health unit established on the 3rd floor of CovingtonKenton County Hospital which previously exclusively served TB patients at 502 Farrell Drive CovingtonA new treatment center was built in Grant County The services included an outpatient counseling center and Work Habilitation Services centered around a Greenhouse

Regional Offices moved to 503 Farrell Drive Covington
Mental health inpatient services expand to include children and adolescents Services to TB patients phased outChildrens Treatment Center to provide outpatient counseling services opened in Ft Thomas Mental HealthMental Retardation tax passed in several counties

Childrenadolescent inpatient services expanded Adult inpatient discontinued

CovingtonKenton County Hospital changes name to Childrens Psychiatric Hospital Facility renovated and expanded to meet the special needs of children

Outpatient services receive first JCAHO accreditation

722 Scott Street offers outpatient services to adult mentally ill mentally retarded and substance abusersHospital services receive first JCAHO accreditation

Owen County outpatient services office site established to provide counseling services for all age groups

J E Willett Treatment Center opens in Florence providing outpatient for all ages and residential services for developmentally disabled adults

Day treatment services begun in collaboration with Covington schools and with Boone County schools

Schoolbased Services Coordinator established and enhanced schoolbased partnerships developed in many schools throughout the region

Boards of the MHMR Regional Board and Childrens Psychiatric Hospital merged and retained the name of MHMR Regional Board

MHMR Regional Board changed dba name to NorthKey Community Care for all outpatient and inpatient services offered under the Boards umbrella
Outpatient Office site purchased in Gallatin County at 203 Main street

Work Habilitation Services for developmentally disabled adults expand in Pendleton County to include a Greenhouse
NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More