Northfield Hospital

Name :

Northfield Hospital

Address  :

2000 North Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

507 646 1000

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Family Practice
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Hematologist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 37


General Information
Northfield Hospital is a new 37bed hospital located on the northwest border of Northfield Minnesota a vibrant college town of 17000 at the southern edge of the MinneapolisSt Paul metropolitan area

Northfield Hospital and its attached longterm care center are owned by the City of Northfield and serve approximately 80000 area residents who live in Rice Dakota Scott and Goodhue counties The hospitals governing board the Board of Trustees is appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council

Northfield Hospital provides a wide range of health care services from emergency services to home care Our 450 employees offer emergency services including an emergency room with roundtheclock physician staffing critical care birthing services a full complement of skilled surgeons advanced diagnostic imaging comprehensive rehabilitation services outpatient services including sleep studies chemotherapy home care and hospice

The hospital is the anchor of a new integrated health campus which includes FamilyHealth Medical ClinicNorthfield the Womens Health Center of Northfield Hospital and specialized facilities for cardiology oncology and accommodations for visiting specialists

Mission amp Values
Our Mission
To enhance the quality of human life through the provision of exceptional health care services and the promotion of health in the communities we serve

Our Values
IntegrityWe will be honest ethical and fair

RespectWe will treat each other and those we serve with courtesy honor and
dignity accepting and valuing each individual

CompetenceWe will diligently maintain high standards by performing our
duties safely with expertise and good judgment We will provide services
based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit and refrain from
providing services to those not likely to benefit

CooperationWe will work together as a team striving to achieve common

CommunicationWe will be good listeners as well as express clearly and
concisely what is needed and expected

StewardshipWe will work to reduce delays for those who receive and give
care and to avoid waste of equipment supplies ideas and energy We will
seek to apply our financial resources for the maximum benefit of our
community and our broader service area


Northfield Hospital History
1905The International Organization of Odd Fellows now Three Links Care
Center opened a 17bed hospital in Northfield It was described as the best
facility of its kind west of Chicago

1910The Odd Fellows Hospital closed and a hospital association raised funds
to establish a hospital in a twostory frame house at the corner of Eighth
Street and Water Street

1934Northfield Hospital became a city hospital

1938Northfield citizens approved money for a new hospital on West Second

1939The new hospital opened

1957Voters approved a 275000 bond issue for the first major addition to
the new hospital The bond funds were combined with federal HillBurton
grant money

1958Construction began in September on a twostory addition

1960Construction completed in early part of the year Total cost was

1961Ground was broken on the skilled nursing facility It was funded by a
250000 bequest from Minnie Dilley

1963HO Dilley Skilled Nursing Facility opened

1968250000 bond issue approved for addition and remodeling The project
included a onestory addition to the northeast corner of the building for a
new kitchen laundry area improved building systems a second floor surgery
wing and the addition of a cardiac unit

1970Construction project completed

1983A 58 million bond issue passed to fund a new emergency department
radiology department laboratory admitting office and lobby area and the
remodeling of the surgery department medical records pharmacy and patient

1986Ground broken on building project

1987Project completed and dedicated on May 21

1992Hospital begins 45 million remodeling and expansion project for
surgical space diagnostic imaging and a dining room for the skilled nursing
facility and new construction of the Center for Sports Medicine and
Rehabilitation at the intersection of Jefferson Parkway and Jefferson Road

September 2001 After five years of planning and negotiations ground was
broken for a new hospital on land leased from St Olaf College at 2000 North
Avenue The 34 million project was funded by revenue bonds and cash reserves

May 2003 New hospital opens for business

October 2003Northfield Hospital purchases the Orthopaedic and Fracture
Clinic in Northfield

June 2005Northfield Hospital purchases the Womens Health Center from
Cannon Valley Clinic Faribault

August 2005 The Womens Health Center moves to the hospital

October 2005 Occupational Health Center opens at 710 Division St in

November 2005 FamilyHealth Medical ClinicLonsdale opens

Fall 2006FamilyHealth Medical ClinicNorthfield opens in temporary quarters
on Division Street while a new permanent facility is being built at the
hospital campus

January 2007FamilyHealth Medical ClinicFarmington opens

May 2007FamilyHealth Medical ClinicNorthfield and the Womens Health
Center of Northfield Hospital relocate to an oncampus primary care clinic

December 2007 FamilyHealth Medical Clinic opens in Lakeville

February 2008 Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation opens in
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