North Colorado Medical Center


Name :

North Colorado Medical Center

Address  :

1801 16th Street

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Post Code:

80631 5199

Phone  :

970 356 9020

Fax  :

970 350 6723

Web URL  :


Our Mission
The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation promotes philanthropy to enhance and ensure the health and well being of the people in our region


Our History
On December 3 1975 the Weld County General Hospital Foundation was incorporated as a Colorado not for profit organization and was granted designation as a 501c3 charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service in October of 1978

In August of 1974 Wendell Fuller Weld County General Hospitals associate administrator was asked by hospital administrator Dick Stenner to organize a volunteer group to look at the potential for forming a philanthropic entity that would allow Weld County residents to support their local hospital Following approval of the concept by the hospital board and the Weld County Commissioners the first steering committee meeting was held in August 1975 The Foundations three original directors were Burnett E quotBudquot Etherton Edgar F quotLeftyquot Bartels and Patsy Zick These early leaders never imagined the growth the Foundation would experience nor could they foresee how the Foundations role would change over the years to meet the growing needs of the hospital and the community

During its first quartercentury Foundation volunteers and staff conducted four major campaigns to provide funding support for vital healthcare programs in our community With each campaign our community showed its extraordinary generosity The first campaign called Dawn of a New Era was conducted from 19801985 Chaired by Norman Dean this campaign raised more than 2 million for healthcare services at the hospital During this campaign in August 1982 the Weld County General Hospital Foundation changed its name to North Colorado Medical Center Foundation to coincide with the hospitals name change

The second major campaign Setting the Course in Healthcare supported the building of the northwest wing at NCMC which was completed in 1992 The campaign was led by Richard Boettcher and was conducted between 1990 and 1994 Setting the Course generated 43 million in gift support Of particular note was the very generous gift of 1million from Ken and Myra Monfort for whom the Monfort Family Birth Center at NCMC is named

The third and fourth major Foundation campaigns were conducted simultaneously Dr Richard Kemme chaired the Campaign for the Monfort Childrens Clinic while Joel and Joyce Rothman chaired the Chaplaincy Campaign Both campaigns began in 1994 and concluded in 2001 each received remarkable community support The Childrens Clinic Campaign raised more than 6 million to build furnish operate and fund an endowment to support the Clinics efforts to provide medical care to our communitys children living in poverty The Clinic is named in recognition of the 1million gift made by the Monfort Family Foundation

The Chaplaincy Campaign generated more than 1 million to fund an endowment to support that program The Chaplaincy program was founded in 1995 by the NCMC Foundation and provides comfort to patients and their families through spiritual and emotional support The program was named the Will Rothman Family Chaplaincy at NCMC in honor of Will and Anne Rothman who provided the campaigns lead gift

Through the years the NCMC Foundation has provided financial support to numerous programs and projects at the North Colorado Medical Center and to select community programs all of which enhance the health of the community and its citizens None of this would be possible without the abiding support of loyal donors who believe in maintaining highquality healthcare options
The Mount Sinai Hospital Experts Debunk the 5 Most Common Postpartum Depression Myths Plaguing Latin

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Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

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