NHS Blood and Transplant


Name :

NHS Blood and Transplant

Address  :

Fox Den Road
Stoke Gifford

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Post Code:

BS34 8RR

Phone  :

0117 975 7575

Fax  :

0117 975 7577

Web URL  :

NHS Blood and Transplant


About NHS Blood and Transplant
NHS Blood and Transplant NHSBT was established as a Special Health Authority in England and Wales in October 2005 with responsibilities across the United Kingdom in relation to organ transplantation Its remit is to provide a reliable efficient supply of blood organs and associated services to the NHS

Building on the successes of the previous organisations NHSBT was formed to achieve operational synergies and economies of scale through the merger of UK Transplant now renamed Organ Donation and Transplantation acirc ODT the National Blood Service and Bio Products Laboratory now renamed Bio Products Laboratory Ltd and transferred to the Department of Health

Since NHSBT was established the organisation has maintained or improved the quality of the services delivered to patients stabilised the rising cost of blood and centralised a number of corporate services


UK Transplant was established in 1991 as the UK Transplant Support Service Authority UKTSSA In July 2000 UK Transplant was formed with a new extended remit to increase organ donation rates In October 2005 UK Transplant merged with the National Blood Service and Bio Products Laboratory to form NHS Blood and Transplant an NHS Special Health Authority responsible for optimising the supply of blood organs plasma and tissues and raising the quality effectiveness and efficiency of blood and transplant services

1968 National Tissue Typing and Reference Laboratory NTTRL established at Southmead Hospital Bristol

1972 National Organ Matching and Distribution Service MOMDS founded

1979 NTTRL and NOMDS merge to become UK Transplant Service

1991 UK Transplant Service becomes Special Health Authority and is renamed United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority UKTSSA

1993 UKTSSA moves to purposebuilt accommodation at Stoke Gifford Bristol

2000 UK Transplant takes over from UKTSSA with new extended remit

2005 UK Transplant merges with the National Blood Service and Bio Products Laboratory to form NHS Blood and Transplant

2008 UK Transplant renamed Directorate of Organ Donation amp Transplantation
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