New York State Psychiatric Institute


Name :

New York State Psychiatric Institute

Address  :

1051 Riverside Drive

Town  :

New York

State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:

NY 10032

Phone  :

212 543 6000

Web URL  :

New York State Psychiatric Institute
  • Psychiatrist

Hospital Area : 320000 Square Feet

Total Number Of Beds : 60


The New York State Psychiatric Institute NYSPI established in 1895 was one of the first institutions in the United States to integrate teaching research and therapeutic approaches to the care of patients with mental illnesses In 1925 NYSPI affiliated with Presbyterian Hospital adding general hospital facilities to the Institutes psychiatric services and research laboratories These facilities were supplemented in 1983 by a 14floor Psychiatric Research Building the Kolb Annex

The NYSPI was further modernized in 1998 by opening of a new hospital building to replace the original one Overlooking the Hudson River and George Washington Bridge the new Psychiatric Institute provides a stateofthe art environment for patient care education and research The approximately 320000 square feet offer space for 60 inpatient beds 23 specialized outpatient research clinics educational facilities and research laboratories Walkway bridges to and from the Kolb Annex and New York Presbyterian Hospital provide comfortable and efficient allweather avenues for patient and staff travel within the Columbia University Medical Center

From the beginning NYSPI has been at the forefront of psychiatry making major contributions to the clinical care and understanding of the mentally ill Through the years distinguished figures in American psychiatry have served as directors of the Psychiatric Institute It is now led by a noted academic psychiatrist Dr Jeffrey Lieberman The excellence of the Institute is reflected in the rare perfect score received in the most recent hospital accreditation
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