New York City Children's Center (NYCCC) - Queens Campus


Name :

New York City Children's Center (NYCCC) - Queens Campus

Address  :

74-03 Commonwealth Boulevard

Town  :


State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

718 264 4500

Fax  :

718 264 4810

Web URL  :

New York City Childrens Center NYCCC  Queens Campus
  • Physiology
  • Psychiatrist
  • Recreation Therapy


NYCCC is a leader in providing quality behavioral health services that are

outcome driven
resiliency building
All services are of the highest quality culturally relevant and incorporate families as partners in the treatment process

We continuously strive to improve the quality and efficacy of services through an ongoing process of assessment and evaluation


Provide comprehensive individualized mental health treatment to children and adolescents with mental illness in a therapeutic environment


NYCCC pursues excellence by engaging in activities that promote quality innovation and efficiency

We believe every person has individual worth and deserves the right to be treated with dignity and kindness

Our services are family focused and youthcentered

We provide services in a therapeutic strength building environment free from injury danger or emotional harm

We are tolerant and respectful of differences in

culturecultural background
spiritual beliefs
sexual orientation
ideas and opinions
NYCCC staff members maintain high ideals of ethical conduct and behavior
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More