Neshoba County Gen Hospital


Name :

Neshoba County Gen Hospital

Address  :

1001 Holland Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

601 663 1200

Fax  :

601 663 1411

Web URL  :

  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Podiatry

Total Number Of Beds : 242

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


To provide our region with a community focused healthcare system based on cost effective quality care

To be the regional healthcare provider of choice that is respected for its contributions leadership and ability to improve the health and well being of our community

C compassion and courtesy

A achieving excellence

R resources used wisely

I integrity in all we do

N new ideas through education

G growing together to meet healthcare needs


Our History
Neshoba County General HospitalNursing Home has served Neshoba County and the surrounding area since 1963 with quality healthcare services Our growing family of providers offer a variety of health care services including family medicine internal medicine pediatric medicine surgery and podiatry for all members of the community including the young the aging and those who are someplace in between NCGH offers quality and convenience advanced technology superior service and skilled medical care

NCGH is licensed for 82 beds and the nursing home for 160 beds The hospital employs 500 team members from surrounding areas and we are a major contributor to the local economy As the hospital spends dollars for operating and capital expenditures it supports and creates jobs and personal income for other local businesses Our plans for a major hospital modernization will further stimulate and grow our local economy Recently NCGH worked with an independent economist to conduct an Economic Impact Study Please click on the link below to download the study and learn about the positive economic impact the hospital has on the county and our community
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