National Network on Environments and Women~s Health

Name :

National Network on Environments and Women~s Health

Address  :

5021 TEL Building
York University
4700 Keele Street

Town  :


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Country  :


Post Code:

M3J 1P3

Phone  :

416 736 5941

Fax  :

416 736 5986

Web URL  :

Email  :


Since 1996 NNEWH has been committed to improving the health status of Canadian women by focusing on the ways in which environments impact the health status beliefs and practices of women Drawing upon a range of expertise through academic research associates community partners service providers and womens groups we encourage the use of a gender and diversity framework in the analysis of health research policy development and education

NNEWHs primary research focus is on the impact of the environment on womens health but has more recently incorporated the themes of women and health care reform and women and pharmaceuticals with the inclusion of two working groups WHCR and WHP

The National Network on Environments and Womens Health is a Centre of Excellence committed to producing knowledge on the social economic and physical environments that effect womens health in order to facilitate policy change that will improve the lives of all Canadian women

The National Network on Environments and Womens Health vision is the improved health of women through research on social cultural and environmental determinants of womens health policy and action responsive to the needs of Canadian women

The National Network on Environments and Womens Health is committed to working on a collaborative model that includes the voice of the community and to upholding the principles of equality and respect for diversity in all its activities
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Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

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