Morrison Community Hospital

Name :

Morrison Community Hospital

Address  :

303 North Jackson Street

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Phone  :

815 772 4003

Web URL  :


Morrison Community Hospital Now
Today Morrison Community Hospital provides many services to the community and surrounding areas These services include medical surgical radiology laboratory inpatient pharmacy and emergency services

Specialty services offered by the hospital also include rehab services physical occupational and speech therapies skilled nursing social services Family Care Clinic Specialty Clinic and pastoral care Our Long Term Care Facility Four Seasons Living Center is highly respected and supported by the community

The hospital is governed by a 9member Board of Directors and a CEO Administrator Area residents volunteer by serving in the MCH Auxiliary and the proceeds generated from their efforts are used to purchase items for the hospital and to provide scholarships for students that will be pursuing their college education in the health field Morrison Community Hospital District has achieved public recognition for providing quality patient care in a personalized manner

Who We Are

Morrison Community Hospital is a notforprofit health care organization providing high quality general medicine services The mission of Morrison Community Hospital is to improve the health of the residents of the hospital district and the surrounding area focusing on personalized care To accomplish this mission Morrison Community Hospital will

provide acute inpatient outpatient and emergency services for diseases
routinely encountered by primary care physicians and other acute services
within the scope of practice of area physicians

provide extended care and related geriatric services with an emphasis on

seek to promote wellness through the provision of diagnostic health
screenings and educational programs and

seek to provide referral arrangements for patients requiring more
specialized care

In addition Morrison Community Hospital will channel appropriate resources on the development of alternative services to meet the needs of area residents and physicians including long term care services physician specialty clinic integration of services with area health care providers and other needed services

At all times and to the fullest extent possible personalized care and the welfare of the patient will be major factors in the determination of the activities services and direction of Morrison Community Hospital

Our Mission
Morrison Community Hospital is a Critical Access Hospital providing immediate life improving medical services The mission of Morrison Community Hospital is to improve the health of the residents of the hospital district and the surrounding area focusing on personalized care


Our History
The first emergency health measures in Morrison Illinois were organized by the Womens League in a residence they owned at the corner of Lincolnway and Genesee Street In 1930 Dr W J Maurits opened an office on the first floor at 219 East Main Street with the Hospital operating on the second floor This was so successful that on June 10 1942 after donations and bond issues the Morrison City Hospital was opened on North Jackson Street providing 16 beds for patients

By 1954 the Hospital again expanded to 32 beds and became Morrison Community Hospital In 1974 a 3 million expansion came increasing the bed capacity to 84 beds until 8 OB beds were discontinued in 1991 Today there are 60 beds 25 are acute care and skilled nursing and 35 are long term care In 1985 the Hospital entered into a formal contractual agreement with Samaritan Health System now Mercy Medical Center in Clinton Iowa for Mercy to provide management services
Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

ELMER South Jersey Healthcare Elmer Hospital has been awarded international recognition as a babyfriendly birth facility The hospitals MaternityCare team is the first in New Jersey to earn the designation from BabyFriendly USA The accrediting body implements the United Nations Childrens Fund and World Health Organization BabyFriendly Hospital I... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More