Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems

Name :

Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems

Address  :

400 W. 8th Street
P.O. Box 399

Town  :


State  :


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Phone  :

785 738 2266

Fax  :

785 738 9503

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine

Total Number Of Beds : 75

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI


Mission Vision amp Values
Our Mission
To serve our patients and communities with exceptional healthcare in a compassionate and healing environment

Our Vision
To be the preferred healthcare leader of North Central Kansas by

Building committed teams and effective
partnerships both in our organization and
throughout our border region

Excelling in customer service as evidenced by
patient satisfaction and measurable outcomes

Enhancing technology and service growth

Being an employer of choice providing
opportunities for growth and integrating our
values into all levels of our organization

Maintaining financial sustainability and providing
appropriate levels of assets

Our Values
Excellence Performing at nothing less than our
best and valuing the opportunity for improvement
learning and growth

Accountability Being professionally and personally
responsible to our patients coworkers and
community for our actions and our work

Dignity Honoring and respecting each individuals
unique worth and value

Compassion Reaching out with care empathy trust
and concern for all

Teamwork Working together with support trust and
communication to achieve common goals

About Us
Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems is a 25 bed Critical Access Hospital 40 bed Resident Care Facility and 10 bed Geriatric Special Care Unit located in Beloit KS MCHHS is owned by Mitchell County and is governed by an appointed seven member board Click on one of the following links for more information about us


MCHHS History
1928 1980
The original Community Hospital was constructed in 1928 and became open for patients on December 11 1929 A need for additional upgrades to the facility prompted the County Commissioners in November 1965 to approve the building of a new facility The County Commissioners leased the new facility to a healthcare management organization called Great Plains Lutheran Hospital Inc Phillipsburg Ks in 1966 The new 30 bed acute hospital was dedicated April 26 1970 After the old hospital was torn down a 40 bed Long Term Care Unit was built in its location attached to the hospital and completed in January of 1971

1980 1994
In 1980 the acute care side of the hospital added 14 beds Those beds were located on the Medical floor Obstetrics a new Emergency Room Laboratory Intensive Care Unit and Surgery

1994 2000
Departmental expansion was again necessary in 1994 Physical Therapy was enlarged and relocated to the south basement area below Long Term Care and radiological services including a new CT scanner were then located in the previous physical therapy area

In 1997 a new Beloit Medical Center PA was built north of the hospital and Mitchell County Hospital purchased the old building across the street southeast of the hospital The annex building was named the Thomas Conroy Professional Building

A hospice program was initiated to emphasize the importance of the quality of life than the length of life This department adopted a previous hospice name known as Solomon Valley Hospice

An Outpatient clinic was established on 400 wing in 1994 and was relocated to the Conroy building in 1997 Services provided at this clinic are Eye Ears Nose and Throat Hearing testing Podiatry Orthopedics Urology and an Outpatient Certified Diabetes Educator

Mitchell County Health Department expressed a desire to move into the remaining half of the Thomas Conroy Professional Building and so they did With additional space becoming available within the hospital various departments were relocated including Pharmacy Respiratory Therapy Acute Nurse Managers office Patient Care Coordinator Infection Control Social Services Medical StaffCredentialing Secretary and Utilization ReviewDRG Coordinator Along with this Occupational Therapy was added as a rehabilitation service which works with patients that require rehabilitation of various needs in performing activities of daily living repetitive motion injuries and stroke rehabilitation

2000 2005
In 2000 an everincreasing need for emotional care of the elderly was demonstrated throughout the nation An organization that specializes in geriatric behavioral care identified that the surrounding area of Mitchell County was an ideal location for a Geriatric Behavioral Care Unit By identifying this need and the increasing standards established by regulatory agencies a ten bed Geriatric Special Care Unit began construction with completion March 20 2001

In September 2002 an extensive expansionrenovation project was found necessary to accommodate the needs of the hospital The new surgery suite and obstetrical unit was completed in March 2004 ending phase I of the construction project Phase I consisted of 3 major surgery suites endoscopy room postanesthesia care unit observation room nine preoperative bays additional storage family conference room surgery offices locker rooms and lounges for staff and physicians

Along with this Central Supply was then moved from the basement to be more readily accessible The nursery was renovated with two new birthing rooms and two postpartum care rooms Once Central Supply was relocated that allowed Environmental Services to move to the basement along with the renovation of Materials Management

Two courtyards were developed within the enclosed outside areas between hallways with one being accessible to the public and a small courtyard for staff Funding for these courtyards were made available from the sale of bricks or granite slate

Phase II of the project consisted of renovation of the old surgery unit recovery room physicians lounge obstetrical floor radiology laboratory and ER

Phase III was also initiated within that time frame to include administration health information department business office front lobby and main entrance

With the growth of computer technology and the implementation of a hospitalwide computer system an Information Technologist was hired On October 1 2003 the CPSI computer system was installed and became a part of daily business Information technology is an ongoing process that occurs on a daily basis with its demands continually increasing in meeting the regulatory requirements established through HIPAA and a nationally mandated requirement for an electronic medical record

Mitchell County Hospital has an active staff of 9 physicians that are not employed by the hospital but of their own clinics The physicians on staff serve in specialty areas within their practice Services include Internal Medicine Family Practice Obstetrical service General Surgeon Psychiatrist and a Nurse Practitioner that assists in surgery

TwoCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetists provide anesthesia services to the hospital Their focus consists of current anesthesia techniques by various methods of delivery and an active Pain Management clinic

2005 Present
The merger with Great Plains Lutheran Hospitals and Community Health Alliance began in September 1982 At that time Great Plains changed their name to Great Plains Health Alliance or GPHA GPHA manages or leases 27 facilities and Mitchell County Hospital was the largest of those facilities In 2005 the hospital board agreed that it was time that Mitchell County Hospital became a standalone healthcare facility and terminated their lease with GPHA as of June 30 2005 The Hospital Trustees also felt that with the development of the Wellness Center and other services that the hospital provides the name of the facility should reflect those services thus came the new name Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems

The Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems Board of Trustees serves as an advisory board and a liaison between the hospital physicians and community County Commissioners meet with the board on a regular basis but are not voting members of the board

The Board Finance Committee meets every third Monday of the month and the Board of Trustees meet on the fourth Monday of the month

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