Missouri Delta Medical Center

Name :

Missouri Delta Medical Center

Address  :

1008 North Main Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

63131 2374

Phone  :

573 471 1600

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


Welcome to Missouri Delta Medical Center

Missouri Delta Medical Center is proud to offer comprehensive medical care to the residents of Southeast Missouri Founded in Sikeston in 1948 Missouri Delta Medical Center is committed to providing high quality accessible health care services Missouri Delta Medical Center in collaboration with community health care providers offers more than 25 different health services

Our hospital employs over 600 healthcare providers in departments such as cardiology labor and delivery radiology inpatient rehabilitation and geriatric psychiatry

Missouri Delta Medical Center will assume a leadership role in the provision of health care for all residents in our service area either directly or in cooperation with other providers

Missouri Delta Medical Center is a not for profit corporation which will strive to provide a complete health care system to residents in the service area either directly or in cooperation with others Referral agreements will be sought for services not offered locally The hospital will also actively offer or support appropriate programs to promote the general health and to meet the rehabilitation educational and social needs of our service area Services will be provided to all residents of our service area regardless of race color religion sex age national origin or disability

Missouri Delta will have a continuing commitment to its patients to provide competent and compassionate care in a safe efficient manner Cost containment will be continually pursued in an effort to maintain affordable services

Missouri Delta will have a continuing commitment to its employees to provide opportunities for advancement a safe work environment and competitive compensation and benefits Professional growth will be encouraged and participative management will be promoted at all levels of the organization

Missouri Delta will have a continuing commitment to its medical staff to foster open dialogue and teamwork within the organization A support system will be maintained to assist the medical staff in addressing patient care concerns The medical center will assist in the recruitment and retention of qualified physicians necessary to meet the needs of the service area

Missouri Delta will have a continuing commitment to be the health resource center for our service area We will attempt to integrate regional resources to form a comprehensive regional wellness system

To maintain the trust confidence and respect of our patients employees and the people within our service area

To maintain an organizational structure which encourages compassion flexibility decisiveness responsiveness participation productivity and creativity in its employees

To maintain a primary health care system through appropriate inpatient outpatient and emergency services

To assist patients in obtaining access to secondary and tertiary health care services for our service area directly or by arrangement as hospital financial resources warrant

To address the new and emerging health care needs of our service area

To promote health and wellness to the service area through regular educational programs

To strive in all our endeavors to provide highquality health care services at the lowest cost necessary to provide for the financial needs of the hospital

To promote an environment in which physicians can provide quality health care

To support the local economy by purchasing supplies and services locally when appropriate

To recruit and maintain a staff of qualified employees

To provide medical technology and a physical plant consistent with hospital needs and financial resources

To assist in the maintenance of a qualified medical staff in accordance with the needs of service area
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