Minoru Residence

Name :

Minoru Residence

Address  :

6111 Minoru Boulevard

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V6Y 1Y4

Phone  :

604 244 5300

Fax  :

604 244 5305

Web URL  :

Email  :


Minoru Residence is a three storey building built in 1993 with gardens or balconies on each unitResidential care provides professional nursing services around the clock to people who are no longer able to stay at home safely
Hospitals Are Allowed to Not Hire Fat People

Smokers must step outside to puff Mandatory drug screening eliminates users from employment whether theyre high on the job or not Now the Texas Tribune reports that Citizens Medical Center in Victoria Texas is adding another health issue to the list of workplace nonos obesity If your body mass index BMI is over 35 you cant get a job at Citizens... Read More

Expat guide to Switzerland health care

No ome wants a medical operation save the attentionseeker with Munchausens syndrome But if you need one Switzerland is as good a place as any Provided you arent paying Switzerlands carefully burnished image of high quality alongside high cost is well preserved within medicine Its hospitals and primary care are first class while overall expenditure... Read More