Metro St Louis Psych Center


Name :

Metro St Louis Psych Center

Address  :

5351 Delmar Blvd

Town  :

Saint Louis

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

63112 3146

Phone  :

314 877 0500

Fax  :

314 877 0553

Web URL  :


Metropolitan St Louis Psychiatric Center MPC is a 112 bed acute care inpatient hospital operated by the Department of Mental Health of the State of Missouri

Opened in 1996 the facility surrounds a beautifully landscaped courtyard and provides the least restrictive setting appropriate for patients


Metropolitan St Louis Psychiatric Center was dedicated by Governor Mel Carnahan Mayor Freeman Bosley and other dignitaries on March 29 1996

MPC continues the legacy of the Malcolm Bliss Mental Health Center which was dedicated in 1964 as a Missouri Department of Mental Health facility

Malcolm Bliss Mental Health Center succeeded the Malcolm Bliss Psychopathic Institute founded in 1938 as a hospital of the St Louis City Hospital System

Malcolm Andrew Bliss MD DDS was a St Louis physician who was the driving force in the original creation of our hospital

We have served the Metropolitan St Louis community for nearly 70 years of mental health intervention
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