Mercy Medical Center


Name :

Mercy Medical Center

Address  :

345 St Paul Place

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Phone  :

410 332 9000

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  • Cardiology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology


Like the Sisters of Mercy before us we witness Gods healing love for all people by providing excellent clinical and residential services within a community of compassionate care

DIGNITY We celebrate the inherent value of each person as created in the image of God We respond to the needs of the whole person in health sickness and dying

HOSPITALITY From many religious traditions and walks of life we welcome one another as children of the same God whose mercy we know through the warmth fidelity and generosity of others

JUSTICE We base our relationships with all people on fairness equality and integrity We stand especially committed to persons who are poor or vulnerable

EXCELLENCE We hold ourselves to the highest standards of care and to serving all with courtesy respect and compassion Maintaining our involvement in the education of physicians and other healthcare professionals is a priority

STEWARDSHIP We believe that our world and our lives are sacred gifts which God entrusts to us We respond to that trust by constantly striving to balance the good of all with the good of each and through creative and responsible use of all our resources

PRAYER We believe that every moment in a persons journey is holy Prayer is our response to Gods faithful presence in suffering and in joy in sickness and in health in life and in death


On a chilly November 11 1874 six Sisters of Mercy arrived in Baltimore to take charge of a health dispensary called the Baltimore City Hospital Located in a former schoolhouse at the corner of Calvert and Saratoga Streets it was a dingy building whose meager appearance belied its enormous promise Over a century later that promise has been fulfilled thanks to The Sisters of Mercy and the many medical and professional staff who provided care to generations of Baltimoreans on the same site where Mercy was founded

Today Mercy Medical Center is a thriving hospital recognized nationally for its quality patient care stateoftheart facilities and outstanding medical staff Mercy has been named one of the nations Top 100 hospitals based on quality and performance standards and was also named one of Americas 10 Best Womens Centers Mercy Medical Center is a university affiliated hospital sponsored by The Sisters of Mercy
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