Memphis VA Medical Center


Name :

Memphis VA Medical Center

Address  :

1030 Jefferson Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

901 523 8990

Fax  :

901 577 7251

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Hematologist
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management


Since 1922 VAMC Memphis has been improving the health of the men and women who have so proudly served our nation We consider it our privilege to serve your health care needs in any way we can Services are available to more than 196000 veterans living in a 53county area of western Tennessee northern Mississippi and northwest Arkansas

To honor Americas veterans in all that we do by providing timely quality care outstanding customer service education of tomorrows health care providers and improvement in health care outcomes through research

To be a patientcentered health care organization for veterans providing excellent health care education and research an organization where people choose to work and an active community partner

We commit to Integrity Respect Excellence Accountability Cooperation Commitment Communication Compassion Trust
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney that had already been transplanted in one patient but started to fail into a second patient doctors reported on Wednesday In a report published in the the New England Journal of Medicine doctors documented the groundbreaking procedures of a kidney that had been transplanted twice in two weeks A... Read More

Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

Baba Ramdevs trusts selling Ayurvedic medicines in India and abroad are now in the eye of a storm The IncomeTax Department has slapped them with a tax bill of Rs 58 crore for the assessment year 200910 on the ground that these activities are commercial in nature Most noncorporate hospitals outside the government sector are constituted as public ... Read More