Memorial Hospital Of Adel

Name :

Memorial Hospital Of Adel

Address  :

706 North Parrish Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

229 896 8000

Web URL  :

  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Mammography(Digital)
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist

Total Number Of Beds : 60

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life in our community we are dedicated to providing the best health care services with confidence dignity and excellence

Our services will be the best of the best in terms of value received We will deliver excellence strive for continuous improvement and respond vigorously to change Each of us is responsible for the quality of whatever we do

We are motivated to preserve and enhance our patients happiness and to alleviate their suffering dictating that as a healthcare provider we exhibit care empathy and sympathy for our patients

We are constantly looking for new ways or ideas to ensure that the care we offer today is always better than the care we provided yesterday

Provide such great service to our patients employees or physicians that they never want to be a patient employee or physician at any place other than Memorial

We are personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior including honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work We fulfill our commitments as responsible employees We will consistently treat customers and company resources with the respect they deserve

We must manage our resources well in order to provide cost effective treatment

We have the responsibility to self Memorial and the community to continually enhance our facility to ensure the highest level of competence and services We strive to seek to meet the active needs of our community through development of new programs and service lines

We will ensure our customers right to privacy and modesty by maintaining a secure and trusting environment Provide as much privacy as reasonably achievable whenever performing or discussing patient care

We strive for results and celebrate success


Our History

Memorial Hospital of Adel History amp Memorial Convalescent Center

Memorial Hospital of Adel began in a private residence at 306 East Fifth Street It was operated on the second floor by Dr Ethridge Hall and Dr RC Woodard the first floor was the main residence When these two physicians moved Dr HW Clements and Dr LR Hutchinson took over and were later joined by the Dr Clements son Dr Fred Clements

In 1946 the county commissioners decided to upgrade the healthcare facility and move it to its present location State funding was denied Cook County did not qualify However the county had received a private donation of 40000 The group voted to proceed with the plans while the citizens of Cook County raised more money Memorial Hospital of Adel opened at its current location in July 1950 It was owned and operated by Cook County and the Hospital Authority with approximately thirty beds and a small emergency department

The South Wing was added in 1963 with funds provided by the United States government State of Georgia Cook County and its citizens The addition included the operating room suites the labor and delivery suites approximately fifteen rooms and 16 semiprivate room beds This doubled the patient room capacity for the hospital The Hospital Authority at that time included JJ Parrish RM Sineath RH Robinson Roy B Allen L Roy Patten HC McClendon Elmer King Allen Parrish Jr and Lamar Whidby
Memorial Convalescent Center was constructed in 1971 opening with an 80 bed capacity for residents An addition followed later with 15 beds By 1979 Memorial Hospital of Adel was purchased by Dr Russell Acree Dr Acree and a Board of Directors then operated the hospital Other physicians were recruited

The Board soon voted to remodel the North Wing Emergency Room and Intensive Care Unit which added two more ICU beds to the existing two Some semiprivate rooms were converted to private rooms with bathrooms and other semiprivate rooms had bathrooms added This allowed more convenience for the patients and the nurses

In 1997 the Company was accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations This recognition marked a great achievement reached by Memorial

In 2005 Memorial Hospital upgraded and renovated the facility Patient rooms on the North Wing of the hospital were renovated New flooring and wallpaper were installed throughout the facility Several departments were relocated to meet the needs of our patients In June 2005 the community attended an Open House to celebrate the history and future of Memorial Hospital of Adel

In 2008 renovations began on the South wing and 3 patient rooms were transformed into Labor and Delivery suites LDRPs In April 2009 an Open House was held to celebrate Memorial Hospitals new Labor and Delivery wing

Through the years we have helped generation after generation reach better health Our organization has been striving to serve the needs of our region since we were established We here at Memorial Hospital of Adel are loyal to our community and will continue to strive for excellence in healthcare

Being part of the community has been an important goal throughout the years and with your help and loyalty we can continue to provide health services that you can depend on
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