Marshall University Medical Center

Name :

Marshall University Medical Center

Address  :

1600 Medical Center Drive

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State  :

West Virginia

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Phone  :

877 691 1600

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The Marshall University Medical Center is committed to excellence excellence in medical education and excellence in patient care Excellence in patient care means you will be treated by a team of health care professionals led by a highly trained and skilled faculty physician so skilled that they have been chosen to train the next generation of physicians Excellence also means a friendly caring knowledgeable and attentive staff a welcoming office setting with the latest diagnostic and treatment facilities and the full resources of a major teaching hospital at your disposal

When you choose to receive your care at the Marshall University Medical Center or any of our thirteen other locations you also become a part of the Marshall team helping us teach medical students and provide advanced training to more than 125 resident physicians and fellows who represent the health care future of this region I invite you to join the Marshall team experience the excellence and be a part of that future

Trampolines give heart a jump start with Skyrobics

INDIANAPOLIS It may be a nobrainer that a trampoline center would pack in youngsters But the Sky Zone in Fishers Ind which features a separate space for quotSkyrobicsquot also attracts adults looking for a buoyant way to burn calories as many as 1000 an hour according to the website of the facility that opened in December quotIts great cardio ... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

Transplant patients who need new lungs have a better overall chance of survival if they receive donor lungs from smokers than if they remain on wait lists new British research shows The study provides strong evidence there is a net benefit to patients receiving smokers lungs even though recipients of such organs are less likely to live as long... Read More