Lyster Army Community Hospital

Name :

Lyster Army Community Hospital

Address  :

Building 301
Fort Rucker

Town  :

Fort Rucker

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

334 255 7000

Web URL  :


We provide and coordinate quality health care and customer service for our beneficiaries while promoting medical readiness for our soldiers

To be the premier health care choice for our beneficiaries and the model healthcare organization in the Department of Defense


In the early part of 1964 the need was identified to establish a modern permanent structure to accompany the advent of the Aviation Center formally known as Camp Rucker On 5 March 1964 the Surgeon General officially named the proposed hospital in honor of Brigadier General Theodore C Lyster quotThe Father of Army Aviation Medicinequot On 18 February 1967 Lyster Army Hospital was officially accepted for occupancy More info

From 1967 until today some 36 years later Lyster Army Hospital remains a model of the same high standards set by Brigadier General Lyster As Brigadier General Lyster statedquotIt is one thing to build machines and train men to fly them but another to maintain these men and machines in the air by the constant supervision necessary This is a far reaching problem which is imminently involved in the evolution of the Air Service and largely falls upon the Medical Service to keep these fliers at their greatest efficiencyquot More info

The U S Army Aeromedical Centers Lyster Army Community Hospital continues its quest to care for the Army Aviator and hisher family in addition to providing medical support for the large Army retiree population We proudly claim that the care and concern for our patients is our mission
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