Louis Brier Home and Hospital

Name :

Louis Brier Home and Hospital

Address  :

1055 West 41st Avenue

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State  :

British Columbia

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Post Code:

V6M 1W9

Phone  :

604 261 9376

Fax  :

604 266 8712

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Louis Brier Home and Hospital


The Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation is a fundraising organization that raises funds to support programs and services offered by the Dr Irving and Phyliss Snider Campus for Jewish Seniors for the elderly in our community Through the generosity of our donors corporate partners and other foundations we are able to help our residents Jewish and nonJewish receive a level of care that betters their quality of life We aim to give them a life of dignity and with the comfort that they most deserve

Mission Statement
The Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation is a non profit charitable organization that solicits gifts bequests endowments donations of cash or real and personal property

The purpose of the Foundation is to provide and distribute funds for maintaining and fostering the well being of the Jewish seniors in our community


The Louis Brier Home and Hospital History
Nearly 60 years ago a group of fourteen friends know as the Hebrew Mens Cultural Club contributed five dollars each from their weekly poker game to create the Jewish communitys first Home for the elderly In 1946 a suitable building with a dining room parlor and sufficient rooms to accommodate thirteen people was purchased The Home was staffed mainly by a Ladies Auxiliary and support also came from the Vancouver Jewish Community Fund and Council and many volunteersIncreased demand lead to the purchase of a new building at 54th amp Oak in 1959 providing care for 35 residents In 1968 four acres on the corner of 41st amp Oak was purchased and the Louis Brier Home amp Hospital was created from a bequest from the late Louis Brier a Jewish philanthropist who donated funds for a home for the aged which housed 109 residents both Jews and nonJews

In 1977 the provincial Long Term Care Program was introduced and the Home and Hospital became a longterm care facility The financial relief from the government helped and 44 rooms were added in 1978 bringing the grand total to 153 residents The rooms were filled immediately In 1992 another expansion was celebrated with a new total of 218 beds 93 Extended Care residents were housed on the new second floor and 124 Intermediate Care residents resided on the main floor In response to the ongoing needs of the community an

Alzheimers Special Care Unit was includedA further expansion occurred in 2003 with the completion of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg of Baltimore Residence The Weinberg Residence has 40 private pay and subsidized Assisted
Living apartments and 20 private pay multilevel care beds The Dr Irving and Phyliss Snider Campus for Jewish Seniors is now a reality and the Louis Brier Home and Hospital and the Weinberg Residence have flourished to become the only Jewish Homes for the aged west of Winnipeg The site has a gift shop hairdressing salon and physiotherapy room The onsite Synagogue provides daily Shabbat and High Holyday services The strict kosher kitchens are
supervised by a mashgiach Special holiday observances and other special programs and services provide the kind of Home our residents and their families could never find anywhere

else in British ColumbiaLouis Brier Home and Hospital Details The Louis Brier Home and Hospital opened its doors at 41st and Oak in 1968 Prior to this date a Jewish home and hospital for the elderly had been in existence since 1946 at two previous sites

The Home is owned and operated by the Jewish Home for the Aged of BC which was
incorporated and registered as a nonprofit society in 1950Following the completion of an expansion project in 1992 the Louis Brier can now accommodate 218 residents 124 in Intermediate Care on the 1st floor

including a 17 bed Special Care Unit and 94 in Extended Care on the 2nd floor
Louis Brier Home and Hospital is the only Jewish longterm care facility west of Winnipeg The site has a gift shop hairdressing salon and physiotherapy room The we strive to maintain a Jewish atmosphere adhering to Jewish dietary laws and our strict kosher kitchens are supervised by a mashgiach Our onsite Synagogue provides Shabbat services and all Jewish Holidays are

strictly observed Additionally afternoon services are held daily in the synagogue Passover Seders and Rosh Hashana dinners are important and special celebrations 2 family members per resident are welcome to attend and participate in festival celebrations Special holiday observances and other special programs and services provide the kind of Home our residents and their families could never find anywhere else in British Columbia

Our vision is to be leaders in the provision of seniors care to the Jewish elderly of the 21st century through developing and achieving standards of excellence in service clinical practiceeducation research and community outreach

Care at Louis Brier Home amp Hospital is provided by Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses and Care Aides They receive support from a Nursing Manager and a Clinical Nurse Educator Care is provided at two levels Intermediate Care level 3 implies that a resident has mobility despite complex care needs extended Care implies that a resident is not mobile and needs help with all daily living needs including help with grooming toileting bathing personal care hygiene and feeding for some residents Louis Brier is a teaching facility and NursingTherapeutic Recreation Dietary Rehab and Social Work Students all benefit from practical experience at Louis Brier Residents are fortunate in that their increased care needs can be met on the Extended Care side of Louis Brier Home and Hospital and residents need only to move to a room on the second floor rather than a new facility to receive this additional care

Our Rehabilitation team consists of a Physiotherapist an Occupational Therapist and a Rehabilitation Assistant The rehabilitation team works primarily with the residents of Extended Care We are fortunate that some support is offered to residents on the Intermediate Care levelin terms of an admission assessment as well as support post injury or hospitalizationThree balanced meals each day and snacks are provided as requested and according to care planwith tea and cakecookies offered daily each afternoon There is a fridge stocked with juice and sandwiches at each Nursing Station Families are welcome to join residents for any meal

Support from a social worker is available to assist with information about long term care and to coordinate all aspects of admission and orientation problem solving liaising with the community assisting with documents and referrals to community resourcesTherapeutic Activity Programs are available on both Intermediate Care and Extended CareResidents are welcome to participate in any programs of interest on both floors at any time

There are monthly birthday parties where each residents birthday will be acknowledged and celebrated in the appropriate monthA Podiatrist as well as an Audiologist a Dentist and a Massage Therapist make regular visits to residents in the Home There are two hair salons available to residents on the Snider CampusThe Louis Brier salon is located on Hospital East near the Rehab room The Weinberg Salon is located on the First Floor adjacent to the staff offices beyond the reception and lounge areas The price lists are posted Regular appointments are available

The care team is involved in determining whether a resident would benefit from having a private companion It is expected that all companions will either be hired through a private agency or will be connected with the Louis Brier In House Companion Programme This programme has been designed and implemented by Louis Brier familiesLouis Brier has an active Residents Council which meets monthly The council has several committees and is also responsible for putting together the monthly Resident and Family Newsletter

A very active Auxiliary hosts two successful fundraising social Teas each year providing the Home with the money to purchase much needed equipment We have a lovely Gift Shop staffed by dedicated community members who have volunteered years of their lives to the Home Louis Brier Home amp Hospital has almost 200 volunteers who assists with all manner of services to residents including recreation programs escorts to medical appointments rehabilitation services and onetoone visits

Further expansion occurred in 20022003 with the completion of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg of Baltimore Residence The Weinberg Residence has 40 private pay and subsidized Assisted Living apartments and 20 private pay multilevel care beds The Dr Irving and Phyliss Snider Campus for Jewish Seniors is now a reality serving up to 278 residents The 20 bed Multilevel care unit in the Weinberg Residence offers long term stays respite care palliative support out of town stays for visiting guests and convalescent care The Weinberg Residence Assisted Living offers a lovely home in a caring setting where you can live with independence in the safety of a secure and monitored building
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