Lakeland Regional Hospital


Name :

Lakeland Regional Hospital

Address  :

440 S. Market Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

417 865 5581

Web URL  :


History of LRH
Lakeland Regional Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations as well as by the State of Missouri

The building Lakeland Regional Hospital now occupies was originally built by the Springfield Hospital Association and Training School for Nurses in 1904

Its original name was Springfield Hospital and was the first training facility for nurses in Springfield The facility opened for patients on January 1 1905

In 1961 Springfield Baptist Hospital established Springfields first facilities for cardiac catheterization and openheart surgery The first openheart surgery in Springfield was performed here in the 1960s by Thomas Ashley MD

In 1989 the facility was relicensed for psychiatric services only With this change in focus the facility was renamed Lakeland Regional Hospital LRH
In 1998 Lakeland eliminated its adult psychiatric treatment programs to devote the organizations resources and energy to providing services for children and adolescents
CDC Autism is more common than previously thought

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The Lean Hospital

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