Lake District Hospital

Name :

Lake District Hospital

Address  :

700 South J Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

541 947 2114

Fax  :

541 947 2433

Web URL  :

Not Available


The District Hospital is a governmental entity and a political subdivision of the State of Oregon It was created by the Oregon legislature to provide hospital services and other health care services for the residents of the District The District was created by public vote on July 18 1967 and the current Hospital facility opened its doors in 1971 The District operates a 21bed acute care hospital an attached 47bed skilled long term care facility a home health and hospice service outpatient clinic services provides through leases physician clinic facilities and buildings to support those operations The District services include the acute care hospital obstetrical services surgery emergency room and related ancillary services lab xray etc associated with these services

A 5member board of directors governs the District The members of the board are elected for a term of 4 years Elections are staggered so no more than one third of the board is up for election at one time The board is required to elect a president and secretary One of their duties is to appoint an administrator chief executive officer CEO The board delegates the daytoday operations of the district to the CEO

The District is a municipal government entity As such the District levies and the county collects property taxes from property owners within the Hospital District These tax revenues are used to support the purpose of the District Hospital which is to provide health care to the members of the district However tax support is minimal representing approximately five percent of hospital receipts

The Government Accounting Standards Board prescribes the financial reporting of the Hospital This is the format followed by the District The State of Oregons Auditors Office maintains copies of audited financial statements
McDonalds not a wise choice for hospitals

Hospitals are places where wellness and health are supposed to be beneficial to promote a longer and healthier life When you walk into a hospital you expect to see healthy places to eat and if not that then a cafeteria with low sodium foods If you put hospitals and fast food restaurants together it is kind of a contradiction promoting health yet... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More