Kingsboro Psychiatric Center


Name :

Kingsboro Psychiatric Center

Address  :

681 Clarkson Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

718 221 7700

Fax  :

718 221 7206

Web URL  :


The mission of the psychiatric hospital is to provide competent compassionate psychiatric care to people with serious mental illness with a purpose of reintegrating them to the community

Services Provided

We provide

Comprehensive integrated services 24 hours per day for hospitalized patients
24bed Crisis Residence for patients who had been discharged but need to have

arrangements completed for residence placement

48bed Transitional Residence 65bed Family Care Program with certified homes in the community

Our communitybased outpatient clinics located in Canarsie and Williamsburg neighborhoods provide assessment and treatment planning health screening and referrals discharge planning verbal therapies medication therapy medication education symptoms management psychiatric rehabilitation readiness determination case management crisis management clinical support mobile outreach family support service
McDonalds not a wise choice for hospitals

Hospitals are places where wellness and health are supposed to be beneficial to promote a longer and healthier life When you walk into a hospital you expect to see healthy places to eat and if not that then a cafeteria with low sodium foods If you put hospitals and fast food restaurants together it is kind of a contradiction promoting health yet... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More