Kindred Hospital-Philadelphia


Name :

Kindred Hospital-Philadelphia

Address  :

6129 Palmetto Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

215 722 8555

Fax  :

215 725 8998

Web URL  :


About Our Hospital
Kindred Hospital Philadelphia is a 52bed specialty hospital accredited by The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as an acute care facility

Kindred Hospital Philadelphia provides specialized interdisciplinary care for patients in need of extended hospitalization and acute care services including ventilator management wound care nutritional support dialysis physical occupational or speech therapy antibiotic therapy and patientfamily teaching Our sixbed Intensive Care Unit allows us to provide a higher level of care intensity to those patients who may require it and prevents unnecessary transfers back to community hospitals

At our hospital your attending physician will see you daily and your consulting physicians will also be actively involved in your care daily if required We continuously seek out best practice standards and strive to achieve a positive outcome for our patients

Our Mission
Kindred Healthcares mission is to promote healing provide hope preserve dignity and produce value for each patient resident family member customer employee and shareholder we serve
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