Ketchikan General Hospital

Name :

Ketchikan General Hospital

Address  :

3100 Tongass Avenue

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Phone  :

907 225 5171

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Ketchikan General Hospital
Ketchikan General Hospital is a critical access and longterm care facility providing a variety of services including comprehensive trauma inpatient 25 beds outpatient and home health services and a longterm care facility 29 beds

Located on an island 680 air miles from Seattle Washington Ketchikan General Hospital is more selfreliant than most small rural hospitals found in the quotlower 48quot Among the services available at Ketchikan General are Diagnostic Imaging including CT MRI Nuclear Medicine and digital mammography an Intensive Care Unit home health physical and occupational therapy an accredited cancer care program uptodate technology and medical equipment an emergency physician and staff on site 24 hours a day a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program and diabetes education

The medical community is complemented by several EMT services and mediflight service from the outer islands to Ketchikan Ketchikan contracts with medivac companies to provide emergency airlifts to Seattle area hospitals for major traumas


Ketchikan General Hospital opened its doors in 1963 and a longterm care wing opened in 1968 The Sisters of St Joseph of Peace through their hospital services arm now known as PeaceHealth continue to operate the hospital with the same lease agreement approved by the city council in 1960
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