Kern Valley Healthcare Dist


Name :

Kern Valley Healthcare Dist

Address  :

6412 Laurel Avenue
Mt. Mesa
P.O. Box 1628

Town  :

Lake Isabella

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

760 379 2681

Fax  :

760 379 0066

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Dentistry
  • Family Practice
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology Lab
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist
  • Pulmonology

Total Number Of Beds : 101


The Kern Valley Hospital District was formed by petition and approval of the Kern County Board of Supervisors on November 23 1964 The District was organized and incorporated under the Health and Safety Code of the State of California for the purpose of building and operating a 24 bed 12 acute and 12 long term hospital The District comprised then as today an area of approximately 400 square miles

The project of constructing and equipping the hospital was determined to be a General Obligation Bond Issue and application for State and Federal aid Approval for the preparation of preliminary plans were received in March of 1965

Financed by an issuance of 490000 of Hospital Construction Bonds plus State and Federal financial aide HillBurton totaling another 432110 And taxes levied by the District the hospital was constructed and commenced operation in May 1968

During the first yearandahalf of operation 1000 patients were admitted and some 4500 emergency cared for The need for additional acute care beds became obvious the long term beds were then reclassified

With the licensure of three intensive care beds in April of 1975 the hospital bed count increased to 27

In 1976 the Emergency Room physician coverage was increased from a callin basis to 24 hour physicianinattendance seven days per week Certain ancillary services were added throughout the following years and in 1984 twelve beds were certified for longterm care on an asneeded basis under the California SwingBed Program

On July 28 1992 a 74 bed long term care unit was opened The new construction also included a surgery wing 3 suites with preop and postop areas Dietary Department kitchen serving area and cafeteria laundry area classroom helipad etc Cost of the new construction was over 20 million dollars

On July 28 1994 a Retail Pharmacy Mesa Clinical Pharmacy opened at 12608 Mt Mesa Road

The first Rural Health Clinic was licensed by the Department of Health Services on March 6 1996 The clinic was later relocated to Birch Street in February 2000

On July 28 1998 the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No 981 to change the name of the facility to Kern Valley Healthcare District to better describe the overall services provided by the district The new name became effective July 1 1999

Kern Valley hospital District serves an approximate population of 25000 residents and some 10000 visitors on any given weekend compared to 5100 residents and an estimated 7800 visitors in 1964

Recognized as a small rural hospital Kern Valley Healthcare District serves with pride and is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality patient care
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We thought it was just stress burnout

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