Keller Army Community Hospital


Name :

Keller Army Community Hospital

Address  :

900 Washington Road

Town  :

West Point

State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:

10996 1197

Phone  :

845 938 4837

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Dermatology
  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Immunology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


Welcome to Keller Army Community Hospital Web Site Our Web Site is designed to provide you with a basic reference for the services we provide and to serve as an online resource for patient education Our mission vision and values statements outline what we do what we want to become and what we believe are the important values in delivering health care to our West Point community

We are committed to providing you and your family members with the highest quality service We have earned a solid reputation both among our patients and in the medical community as a caring accessible and stateoftheart medical facility It is our duty and our commitment to preserve it by being responsive to your needs and by maintaining the highest standards of medical care


USA MEDDAC West Point will be a patient focused multi facility healthcare system that

Creates a culture of safety amp education

Embraces change that improves knowledge quality of care and access to care

Acts as a steward of resources responding proactively and dynamically to the
needs of those we support

Provides integrated support to our installations the North Atlantic Regional
Medical Command and the Army

Loyalty We will bear true faith and allegiance to the US Constitution the Army the AMEDD and to all entrusted to our care

Duty We will fulfill our obligations

Respect We will treat people as they should be treated

Selfless Service We will put the welfare of the Nation the Army the AMEDD and subordinates before our own

Honor We will live up to all the Army and AMEDD values

Integrity We will do whats right legally and morally We will hold to the highest standard of personal and professional ethics

Personal Courage We will face fear danger or adversity physical and moral We will be motivated by the moral conviction that what we do is right worthy and necessary We will take personal responsibility for challenging and correcting what we know to be wrong


The first hospital to serve West Point was situated on the east side of the Hudson River in a building called quotRobinson Housequot It was established in 1778 and was under the direction of the famed patriot Dr James Thacher

In 1824 a hospital for cadets was established in what was formerly quotGridleys Tavernquot a conversion which the quotFather of West Pointquot Sylvanus Thayer was most happy to effect

In 1830 the first hospital specifically built for the extension of health care was occupied at West Point The entire staff of the hospital consisting of a Surgeon a Steward a Matron and five attendants lived in the building which covered a ground area of 131 by 40 feet and consisted of a basement and two stories

Dr Major Walter Wheaton is generally thought of as the first hospital commander and his portrait occupies the first position in the long line leading up to the present commander His was a long tenure of some twenty years 18261846 and he was much revered by all that knew him quotWheatoning itquot became a common cadet expression during this period and referred to the timehonored tradition of quotgoldbrickingquot

During this entire period the hospital was a quotCadet Hospitalquot and it was not until 1851 that a quotSoldiers Hospitalquot was built for care of enlisted personnel and employees of the post At the time of its completion this brick building was much more modern than the Cadet Hospital and was 50 by 28 feet in size with a basement and two stories It contained four wards a dispensary and a kitchen The Soldiers Hospital was rebuilt in 1892 and still stands today in the North Area above the cemetery serving as family quarters

A new Cadet Hospital was constructed over a period of years and was finally occupied in 1884

The next major construction took place in the 20th Century with the completion of the present hospital in 1923 An addition was completed in 1935 and in 1960 the old hospital building 1884 was torn down to make way for the new cadet barracks

On 16 August 1974 ground was broken for the construction of William Lordan Keller Army Hospital a 65bed facility specifically designed to extend the finest comprehensive health care to the entire West Point community The construction of Keller Army Hospital concludes the work of many individuals and organizations Extensively involved in the construction were the Architectural Engineering firm of Leo A Daly Omaha Nebraska the construction contractor Murray Walter Inc Binghamton New York and the Corps of Engineers New York District the Health Facility Planning Agency Office of the Surgeon General and the Medical Department Activity West Point

This capsule history of the Medical Department at West Point covers only a minute part of the entire story Throughout the history of this historic post the medical personnel stationed here have contributed to the health of the Command in many ways They were instrumental in improving housing heating lighting food sanitary conditions and even uniforms and clothing The story of this progress is virtually the story of the development of health services in the United States The continuation of this progress is our goal

The present Army Hospital which served West Point proudly for 54 years will continue to serve as a Cadet Health Clinic

The cadet hospital built in 1830 stood where Sherman Barracks now stands

Participating in the 16 August 1974 ground breaking activities were MG Sidney B Berry LTG Richard R Taylor Mr Murray Walter Honorable Benjamin A Gilman MG Richard H Groves COL Martin A Pfotenhauer and LTC Thomas C Jackson
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