Kearney County Health Services

Name :

Kearney County Health Services

Address  :

727 East First St

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Phone  :

308 832 3400

Fax  :

308 832 3417

Web URL  :

Email  :


The Kearney County Community Hospital was organized by the County Board in 1948 when the Seeley Hospital was acquired from Dr H S Andrews The Seeley hospital was sold in 1954 when the present 25 bed hospital was completed This structure was built by taxpayers bond and HillBurton funds In 1971 a new laundry laboratory and radiology storeroom lobbies offices and kitchen facilities were completed In 1994 with the purchase of the medical clinic the Board of Trustees changed the facilities name to Kearney County Health Services

KCHS nursing staff consists of Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses and Nurses Aides Many of these professionals are certified in TNCC Trauma Nursing Core Courses ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support and PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support Understandably this staff is experienced in MedicalSurgical Nursing Emergency Services RestorativeRehabilitative Nursing and Gerontology These nurses definitely live up to our logo of Pride In Caring Our patient nurse ratio is often 21

Visiting hours at Kearney County Hospital are liberal We strive to keep you close to home school and work during any illness You will find a Patient Message Service on the home page if you are unable to visit

As from the beginning in 1948 the hospital exists for the purpose of providing high quality care for all the people in Kearney County and the surrounding area Safety comfort and quality care are our prime objectives
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