Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

Name :

Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

Address  :

201 Tabernacle Road

Town  :

Black Mountain

State  :

North Carolina

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

828 669 3400

Fax  :

828 669 3451

Web URL  :


Welcome to Julian F Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center
The Julian F Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center JFK ADATC is an 80 bed residential and detoxcrisis stabilization treatment facility designed to meet the needs of alcohol and other drug dependent adults of the 37 westernmost counties in North Carolina The facility treats chemically dependent consumers and also those who have a substance abuse and psychiatric diagnosis The length of stay at JFK ADATC is variable and determined by individual need We are part of a continuum of care that begins with the Local Management EntityLocal Provider who makes the referral to our facility Admission is available to any adult consumer in the 37 county region regardless of financial resources or insurance status JFK ADATC operates under the authority of the State of North Carolina through the Department of Health and Human Services Division of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services

Treatment at JFK ADATC relies on evidencebased practices that guide recovery work through motivational enhancement and building life skills This process is designed to enhance the individuals awareness and commitment to recovery Mental health needs are also evaluated and treated Our mission is to treat each individual with respect and care in a safe supportive environment It is our goal to help the individual feel more empowered able and committed to continue recovery after discharge from our facility We coordinate aftercare appointments with community agencies to facilitate the continuum of care

Our Mission Statement
Our mission as stated by DHHS Div Of MHDDSA is quotto provide medically monitored detoxification crisis stabilization and shortterm treatment to prepare adults with substance abuse and cooccurring problems for ongoing communitybased recovery servicesquot

In accordance with the above mission JFK ADATC seeks


We believe in a commitment to the following organizational VALUES in support of our mission

the individuality of each patient

patient and staff collaboration

treatment continuum

current knowledge based treatment standards

systematic performance evaluation
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