Jonathan Webb Clinic


Name :

Jonathan Webb Clinic

Address  :

1 Canynge Street
Portwall Place

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Phone  :

0845 060 44 66

Fax  :

0117 989 7850

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Orthopedics
  • Podiatry
  • Sport Injuiry Clinics

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


The Jonathan Webb clinic offers a comprehensive service for men and women with sports injuries and orthopaedic complaints Whether you are a professional athlete an amateur sports person or you suffer from the pain of arthritis the multidisciplinary team of specialists will work together to create a treatment programme to suit your individual needs

Our specially selected team have many years of experience in the diagnosis management and rehabilitation of patients with a wide range of conditions The clinics aim is to combine high quality care with prompt appointments arranged at a time to suit you

To enable us to provide you with a holistic health and care service we have two clinics within Bristol The first is at the Spire Bristol Hospital in Redland which benefits from modern operating theatres and onsite diagnostic services including CT and MRI scanning Our new city centre physiotherapy and sports injury clinic opened in April 2008 at Portwall Place just opposite St Mary Redcliffe Church This clinic offers easy access to our services for the working population who may not have time to travel for treatments or fitness advice

Sports injury treatment

If you have been injured and are not sure how serious it is simply call our sports injury clinic where well arrange a prompt appointment for you to see a specialist Our aim is to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and then advise the most appropriate treatment to help you onto the fasttrack to fitness Listed below is the range of specialists available for consultation at the clinic with an explanation of how each one can help you Whether your injury is minor or serious the team of specialists aim to provide a diagnosis and help you start your recovery
McDonalds not a wise choice for hospitals

Hospitals are places where wellness and health are supposed to be beneficial to promote a longer and healthier life When you walk into a hospital you expect to see healthy places to eat and if not that then a cafeteria with low sodium foods If you put hospitals and fast food restaurants together it is kind of a contradiction promoting health yet... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More