Jeanes Hospital

Name :

Jeanes Hospital

Address  :

7600 Central Avenue

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Phone  :

215 728 2000

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Jeanes Hospitals Mission
The mission of Jeanes Hospital is to maintain and enhance the quality of life for individuals in the communities we serve We emphasize the Quaker belief that in each person there resides a spirit that creates a common bond among us all Our health care services include maintenance and enhancement of health which quickens the spirit and enhances the vitality of our lives

Jeanes Hospitals Vision
Meeting the physical emotional cultural and spiritual needs of our
community with a caring safe and supportive environment

Understanding and advocating for the needs of our community and meeting
those needs with timely cost effective responsive services

Providing a healthy creative and rewarding work environment that attracts
retains and develops the best staff physicians and volunteers

Demonstrating leadership among community hospitals as a member of the Temple
University Health System through continuous improvement innovation and
investment of our people technology and facilities


Our History Comfort amp Compassion Health amp Wellness For More Than 80 Years

Jeanes Hospital is an acute care community hospital located in the Fox Chase section of Northeast Philadelphia In 1996 Jeanes Hospital became part of the Temple University Health System

The hospital was founded in 1928 through a provision in the will of Anna T Jeanes a Philadelphia Quaker who created an endowment for the establishment of a hospital for quotCancerous Nervous and Disabling Ailmentsquot Anna T Jeanes who was born in 1822 and died in 1907 was a forwardthinking activist and philanthropist who maintained a home on the grounds that are now the Jeanes Hospital campus She envisioned a facility that would be controlled by a joint committee of Quarterly Meeting Homes and would operate under the Quaker philosophy of compassionate care that treats the whole person Since its founding Jeanes Hospital has continually worked to build upon her vision

From the day it opened on January 25 1928 Jeanes Hospital operated under the stipulations of Anna T Jeanes will In fact years earlier the hospital endowment gained additional funds when an endowment intended for Swarthmore College reverted back to Jeanes because the college would not meet the conditions that it give up intercollegiate sports and games

In the mid 1940s several conditions combined to compel the hospitals Board of Directors to reconsider the role of Jeanes Hospital The cost of providing specialized health care even for those who could pay was becoming prohibitive At the same time the community around the hospital was growing and Jeanes had become virtually the sole health care provider in the area It was apparent that the community needed a comprehensive general hospital

In 1946 Jeanes began to operate as a general medical surgical hospital and increased its number of beds from 46 to 100 Since then Jeanes has continued to expand its services and currently is licensed for 176 beds

Though it had changed its focus Jeanes Hospital was still committed to fighting cancer and related diseases So in 1947 it offered part of its grounds to the Institute for Cancer Research which later became Fox Chase Cancer Center In 1963 the American Oncologic Hospital was invited to the Jeanes campus and in 1967 a specialty hospital for cancer patients connected to Jeanes Hospital through an enclosed bridge was built

Since then Jeanes has continued to grow The SurgeryRehab Building opened in 1987 to provide larger facilities for both general surgery and rehabilitation therapy The Patient Care Center opened in May 1992 was designed to provide modern facilities for patient care in a warm homelike setting that is more conducive to recovery than traditional health care institutions Several of the hospitals administrative departments moved into the newly renovated Founders Building in 1993 from offcampus locations

On June 30 1996 Jeanes Hospital became a member of the Temple University Health System TUHS The affiliation strengthens the hospitals ability to serve the community and allows it to maintain its Quaker heritage

In addition to medical care Jeanes Hospital serves the community in a number of ways including screenings immunizations educational programs support groups
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