James H. Quillen VA Medical Center


Name :

James H. Quillen VA Medical Center

Address  :

Corner of Lamont & Veterans Way

Town  :

Mountain Home

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

423 926 1171

Web URL  :


About Us
Since 1903 James H Quillen VA Medical Center has been improving the health of the men and women who have so proudly served our nation We consider it our privilege to serve your health care needs in any way we can Services are available to more than 170000 veterans living in a 41county area of Tennessee Virginia Kentucky and North Carolina

Honor and serve Americas Veterans by providing exceptional healthcare that is patient centered and preferred by Veterans

We will be the healthcare system of choice where patients choose to receive care and employees are proud to work

To accomplish this

We promise to provide exceptional quality and safety

We promise to provide appropriate and timely access

We promise to exceed Veterans expectations

We promise to work collaboratively to deliver innovative solutions

We promise to provide quality education to future healthcare providers

We promise to research the answers for tomorrow

We promise to provide excellent healthcare value for Veterans

Trust respect excellence commitment and compassion
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