Inland Hospital

Name :

Inland Hospital

Address  :

200 Kennedy Memorial Drive

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Phone  :

207 861 3000

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About Our Hospital
Inland is proud to be the hospital Where You Come Firstevery day in every way

We are a 48bed notforprofit community hospital located in Waterville Mainefully accredited by the American Osteopathic Association Inland was founded in 1943 by a group of osteopathic physicians with a vision of providing compassionate care that focused on the whole patient not just the disease Today that patientcentered approach is alive and well at Inland where staff provide the kind of care we all want for our own families Patients are treated with respect and dignity and benefit from an open communication process that delivers an extraordinary experience and the best possible medical outcome At Inland its all about you Your care and safety your concerns your comfort

Hospital Campus One hour from Bangor and Portland and three hours from Boston Inland is located near Colby College and Thomas College in Waterville Maine Besides acute care Inland services include ambulatory surgery birthing center radiology rehabilitation home care 24hour emergency care with onsite LifeFlight helicopter pad sleep center specialized clinics and laboratory services

Lakewood A 105bed continuing care center on the Inland campus that includes three separate units for Alzheimersdementia care longterm and skilled nursing care

New Horizons Health Care Family physician practices including Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Waterville North Anson Unity Fairfield Oakland and MadisonSkowhegan

Inland Medical Associates Internal Medicine physician practices including rheumatology and neurology in Waterville

Inland Womens Health Care Obstetrics and gynecology physician practice in Waterville

Waterville Surgical Associates General surgery physician practice in Waterville

Heart First Cardiology services in Waterville including physician practice diagnostics and cardiac rehab

Inland Orthopedics Complete Orthopedic services in Waterville

Sleep Diagnostics Center of Inland Hospital Diagnosis and treatment for sleeprelated disorders in Oakland

Inland Specialty Care Specialty physician consultations in MadisonSkowhegan

Inland Hospital Mission Vision Values

To care for and serve our community


A dynamic community hospital where patients receive the right care are treated with respect and are always safe


We demonstrate a passion for caring for others and the pursuit of service excellence in all that we do

We are capable of extraordinary creativity and are willing to explore new ideas to achieve our healthcare mission

We commit to the highest standards of behavior and doing the correct thing for the right reasons

We respect the dignity worth and rights of others

We take a responsible and disciplined approach to achieving our priorities and responding to an everchanging environment

Working together in collaboration and teamwork is more powerful than working alone
McDonalds not a wise choice for hospitals

Hospitals are places where wellness and health are supposed to be beneficial to promote a longer and healthier life When you walk into a hospital you expect to see healthy places to eat and if not that then a cafeteria with low sodium foods If you put hospitals and fast food restaurants together it is kind of a contradiction promoting health yet... Read More

Currys ability to fight bowel cancer will be put to the test in rigorous trial

A UK trial is investigating whether a curry ingredient can improve the treatment of patients with advanced bowel cancer Scientists will supplement standard chemotherapy with pills containing curcumin a compound found in the yellow curry spice turmeric Laboratory tests have suggested that curcumin can boost the ability of chemotherapy drugs to k... Read More