Idaho Falls Surgical Center


Name :

Idaho Falls Surgical Center

Address  :

1945 East 17th Street

Town  :

Idaho Falls

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

208 529 1945

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • ENT
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Urology


Idaho Falls Surgical Center was one of the first quotOutpatient Surgical Centersquot in the United States First in Idaho and Fifth in the nation

There are 3644 Outpatient Surgical Centers in America today a 50 increase since 1996

Why Because surgical centers like Idaho Falls Surgical Center provide
More costeffective surgery
Shorter waiting periods
Greater convenience
A more relaxed surgery which means less stress and faster recovery times
Satisfaction 99 of respondents say they would come back
Private rooms before AND after surgery
For minor and complex procedures

Proven Value

The Idaho Falls Surgical Center provides expert care and service at an affordable price There are no unexpected charges for normal procedures Occasionally due to unforeseen needs determined by your surgeon during an operation the total bill may change Because we are locally owned and dont have the overhead expense associated with large medical centers we are able to provide costeffective service while never compromising safety or patient comfort and convenience
NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More