Heart Of America Medical Cntr

Name :

Heart Of America Medical Cntr

Address  :

800 South Main Avenue

Town  :


State  :

North Dakota

Country  :


Post Code:

58368 2198

Phone  :

701 776 5261

Web URL  :

Email  :


Caring for you close to home the Heart of America Medical Center reaches out with quality health care in a rural setting The facility is located in Rugby ND a city of 3000 with a service area extending in a 50 mile radius to over 13000 people

At home in the Geographical Center of North America the medical center understands the needs and issues faced by todays consumer Housing all your primary health care needs under one roof the medical center is attached to the Johnson Clinic PC and offices a home town Health Maintenance Organization for insurance needs

Established in 1910 by a group of dedicated ministers this nonprofit medical center is sustained by 37 area churches of all denominations which comprise the Good Samarian Hospital Association It is with the continual commitment to excellence that the Heart of America Medical Center brings you personalized quality care education community service and innovative programs with a sense of home town healing

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide quality medical care as reflected by the needs and demographics of north central North Dakota Although we are determined to be selfsupporting our Christian dedication is primarily to provide an array of quality services for patients and residents regardless of race color creed disability age or their ability to pay We endeavor to minister to the whole person physical mental spiritual insofar as our abilities permit

We strive to be the best most innovative healthcare facility in the state of North Dakota
Quantum Installs a QRadDIGITAL DRX Series Radiographic System at St Marys Hospital in Waterbur

Long Island NY Medical equipment manufacturer Quantum Medical Imaging has completed an installation of a QRadDIGITAL DRX Series Radiographic System in the newly opened Pre Admission Testing Center at St Marys Hospital in Waterbury Connecticut The sale and installation was facilitated Parker XRay a Quantum Gold Star Dealer in the USA St Marys Hos... Read More

How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More