Healthsource Saginaw

Name :

Healthsource Saginaw

Address  :

3340 Hospital Road

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Phone  :

989 790 7700

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HealthSource Saginaw Inc HealthSource under the direction of President and CEO Lester Heyboer Jr is located at 3340 Hospital Road in Saginaw Michigan HealthSource was known as Saginaw County Hospital upon its establishment by the County of Saginaw in 1929 under Public Act 177 of 1925 as a tuberculosis sanatorium In 1971 the hospital changed its name from Saginaw County Hospital to Saginaw Community Hospital The organization was incorporated in 1991 as a Municipal Health Facilities Organization under Public Act 230 of 1987 and also qualified for 501c3 notforprofit corporation status by the Internal Revenue Service In 1994 the hospital was renamed HealthSource Saginaw Inc We are located in Saginaw Township a suburban area approximately ten 10 miles from the Center of the City of Saginaw

HealthSource has 319 inpatient beds
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