Haskell County Community Hospital


Name :

Haskell County Community Hospital

Address  :

401 NW 'H' Street

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

918 967 4682

Web URL  :


Mission Statement amp Vision
Our Mission
We have educated our minds to work skillfully with our hands because of a desire in our hearts to help those we serve

Our Vision
Haskell County Healthcare System is committed to providing personalized communitybased health care services which excel in care and quality

Our Values
Caring and compassion
Human dignity and individuality
Integrity in all relationships and dealings
Excellence in clinical and service quality
Teamwork and trust
Mutual respect and recognition
Responsible resource management


Our History
As early as 1949 the desire for a hospital in Haskell county formed because of the distance to other hospitals In December of 1949 a countywide meeting was held at the courthouse to determine the need for a county hospital

With financial assistance from the government in the form of the Hillburton Bill made possible by President Truman the people of Haskell county voted in 1959 on a bond issue for the remaining expense of building a hospital With an overwhelming majority of 93 of the votes the bond was approved 200000 was to be raised by the selling of bonds with a match by the federal government for the same amount if approved

The Stigler city manager and county commissioners worked together to prepare plans to present to the State Department of Health In October of 1960 a telegram was received from Washington DC approving the hospital Once approved many organizations within Haskell county held fund raisers to help get the hospital off to a good start among these was the Haskell County Hospital Auxiliary which was formed in April 1961 The women of the Auxiliary worked very hard to get the hospital ready to open

In August 1961 the native stone Haskell County Hospital building was completed at the corner of H and 5th streets in Stigler The hospital provides heath care for all Haskell County and parts of Leflore McIntosh and Muskogee counties and is supported by tax levies paid by residents of Haskell County To offer the most uptodate medical care available the addition of the east wing was constructed in 1964 providing additional beds bringing the total to 40

In 1996 Stigler Medical Clinic joined Haskell County Healthcare System HCHS The Rural Health Clinic was added to HCHS in 1995 and is housed with the Specialty Clinic which was added in 2005

Haskell County Healthcare System is a nonprofit organization directed by a seven member local Board of Directors who are publicly elected for varying terms to maintain continuity In late 2004 the Board of Directors was changed from a county management team to a joint effort of both the county and city of Stigler By doing this Haskell County Healthcare System has enabled itself to be eligible for more grants only available to city organizations HCHS is staffed by an Internal Medicine physician a General Surgeon Physician Assistants and a CRNA Also affiliated with HCHS are three Family Practice physicians and a Cardiologist

Haskell County Hospital is well staffed with most nurses ACLS and trauma certified We have three monitored beds and two surgery suites that provide both inpatient and outpatient sameday surgeries We are a Level IV trauma hospital in the Oklahoma Trauma System with 24hour emergency department coverage and medical evacuation to tertiary care centers by both ground and air ambulance services

While Haskell County Healthcare System facilities have evolved with the changing times since 1961 the focus has always been providing quality medical care to the people of Haskell County and surrounding areas Doing so remains HCHSs mission today
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