Hartgrove Hospital


Name :

Hartgrove Hospital

Address  :

5730 West Roosevelt Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

773 413 1700

Web URL  :


More Than a Hospital a Community of Care
Hartgrove Hospital a 46year community landmark provides psychiatric treatment for adults teens and children In addition the 150bed hospital offers unique therapies for youth with problems related to traumatic brain injury or Neuropsychiatric syndromes

Hartgrove Hospital also has specialty diagnostic and evaluation services for children and adolescents who exhibit sexually aggressive behavior

Children and Adolescent Day Treatment Programs are also available in addition to intensive inpatient services

Our Mission
The mission of Hartgrove Hospital is to provide comprehensive psychiatric health care services in diverse settings that effectively and efficiently meet the needs of our patients their families and the community We are dedicated to restoring our patients emotional wellbeing while focusing on providing resources for their future

Our Vision
Will be the leading provider of comprehensive psychiatric health care
services and continue to have a positive impact on our community

Will seek to develop coordinate and implement psychiatric healthcare
services that meet the evolving needs of our community while our longrange
financial viability

Will strive for continual improvement of all services provided and be
responsive to the changing needs and expectations of our patients their
families the community and our payors
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How do you protect your children from household poisons

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