Harrison County Comm Hospital

Name :

Harrison County Comm Hospital

Address  :

2600 Miller Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

660 425 2211

Fax  :

660 425 8235

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Neurologist
  • Pain Management
  • Podiatry
  • Pulmonology

Total Number Of Beds : 26

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI


Our Mission
Harrison County Community Hospital will provide high quality patientfocused health care with professionalism and compassion to all who seek our care with emphasis on quality outcomes and patient satisfaction

Our Vision
Harrison County Community Hospital will be the preferred healthcare provider in the region continually offering high quality services our communities expect and deserve


Harrison County Community Hospital has been caring for the health of our communities for more than fifty years

The construction of Noll Memorial Hospital in the early 1950s was made entirely possible by donations of private money The hospital was chartered on November 27 1951 as a nonprofit institution The principal contribution for the construction of Noll Memorial was donated by Mr and Mrs JE Jake Noll and Laura B Noll widow of Joseph Noll as a gift to the community from which their family prospered The five acre site on which the hospital was constructed was provided by Dr Beulah Cushman and Mrs WW Bailey in support of their father AF Cushman who dreamed that someday a community hospital be built on the plot of land

The Bethany Clinic provided equipment that had been previously used in the former Bethany Hospital The remainder of financing for the hospital construction and equipment was made through gifts and pledges paid over a threeyear period The construction of the original 26bed facility consisted of one level plus a basement In the early 1960s a new wing was added to the original structure

In 1989 the voters of Harrison County approved the formation of a hospital district which had the ability to issue a tax levy to help support the community hospital The hospital facility was leased to the Harrison County Hospital District on April 1 1990 At that time the hospital district took over full administration of the hospital operations The property was permanently transferred from the Noll Memorial Hospital Association to the Harrison County Hospital District on June 17 1991

Harrison County Community Hospital received designation as a Critical Access Hospital under the Medicare program in October 2001 The facility again underwent renovation and expansion in 2005

Because of the vision of generous donors in years past and present Harrison County Community Hospital stands as a service facility for the people of Harrison County and surrounding areas Our Board of Directors administration and staff continue to strive toward improvements to better care for our communities
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