Harbor Hospital Center

Name :

Harbor Hospital Center

Address  :

3001 South Hanover Street

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Phone  :

410 350 3200

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About Us
Harbor Hospital a 193bed facility is located minutes from I95 on the scenic waterfront of the Patapsco River Offering leadingedge technology and worldclass physicians we pride ourselves on our unique dedication to the community hospital experience

We believe that it is vital to treat our patients using stateoftheart technology and procedures but dont lose sight of whats importantyou and your good health

Earning the prestigious Delmarva Foundation Excellence Award for 2001 2006 2007 2008 and 2010 Harbor Hospital has proved time and again we are committed to excellence in patient care With a full Joint Commission accreditation Harbors team offers high quality health care at our beautiful waterfront facility and in your neighborhood

Mission Vision and Values
Harbor Hospital is committed to quality caring and service for our patients and our communities

Quality Caring and Service
These are the sentinel guideposts for Harbor forming the foundation for the hospitals journey from good to great

Our Patients and Communities
Our patients are our primary reason for existence They are at the heart of our mission Our communities are comprised of our employees our physicians other caregivers and the residents of the areas we serve

The Trusted Leader in Caring for People and Advancing Health

Service We strive to anticipate and meet the needs of our patients
physicians and coworkers

Patient First We strive to deliver the best to every patient every day The
patient is the first priority in everything we do

Integrity We communicate openly and honestly build trust and conduct
ourselves according to the highest ethical standards

Respect We treat each individual those we serve and those with whom we
work with the highest professionalism and dignity

Innovation We embrace change and work to improve all we do in a fiscally
responsible manner

Teamwork System effectiveness is built on collective strength and cultural
diversity of everyone working with open communication and mutual respect
Neonatal intensive care unit reunion planned in Mobile

MOBILE Alabama Some of them were born months early weighing little more than a pound Despite the odds many of the tiny infants have thrived thanks to modern medicine and countless prayers Newborns who spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of South Alabama Childrens amp Womens Hospital and their families are invited to ... Read More

We thought it was just stress burnout

He wasnt remembering deadlines and appointments at work He was also making a lot of mistakes At home he was totally exhausted He would just tune out read the newspaper watch television and not talk very much Nona says quotWe thought it was just stress burnoutquot But Mike was actually showing signs of memory loss difficulty performing tasks m... Read More