Greater Lafayette Health Serv


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Greater Lafayette Health Serv

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2400 South Street

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765 447 6811

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Our Mission
Continuing Christs Ministry in Our Franciscan Tradition

What does this Mission Statement actually mean to us
For those who have chosen to work in one of the Franciscan Alliance facilities and with the help of our fellow employees it means that now we must put these words into action and practice

This quotaction wordquot tell us that it is now up to each of us to maintain without interruption the values the traditions the good works of the hundreds of thousands of people who have gone before us and those who are presently working within the Franciscan Alliance facilities

Jesus Christ who lived over 2000 years ago is the model for each of us in the living of our lives Jesus lived His life as a Teacher and as a Healer He was gentle He was compassionate He was loving and caring He listened and He spoke when this was needed He cried and He laughed He was joyful and He was pensive He was prayerful He truly is the model for everything that we do

The ministries that each of us are involved include healing and teaching In whatever our capacity in some way we are assisting the patient in the healing process or in the dying process whatever the particular instance may be As a housekeeper nurse pharmacist cook accountant or physicianeach of us assists the patient in the healing processaccording to our own skills expertise and profession

This word implies quotownershipquot This particular Mission Statement is carried out by the employees of each SSFHS facility So for you the employees you are in a quotparticularquot organization not just quotanyquot organization The traditions the culture the good works that have existed within these facilities are what make us Franciscan Alliance

St Francis was a young man of considerable wealth who gave up his riches to live a life of poverty He was a man who loved people who loved the Church who lived the Gospel life St Francis gave us the example of loving and caring for the quotleastquot among usthe most unloved the poor the uncared for the person who has no health insurance the person who is shunned by society today We turn away no one

An inherited a customary pattern of action or behavior These traditions can ONLY be carried out by each one of us and unless WE carry them out they will not be done Without each of us quotContinuing Christs Ministry in Our Franciscan Traditionquot this Mission will not continue to happen This is what we expect of our employees and we invite you to join us


From Central to East history of St Elizabeth

On Dec 14 1875 six Sisters of St Francis of Perpetual Adoration arrived in Lafayette from Germany and began living out a mission to provide for the needs of the sick and disenfranchised in Lafayette IN

Three weeks after their arrival on January 3 1876 the Sisters admitted their first patient and have continued to care for the community until this very day

The Lafayette Daily Journal said this of their coming The Sisters to the number of six who are to have charge of the new hospital in this city arrived on the train night before last They are very intelligent and wellinformed ladies and express themselves as greatly pleased with the country They are going to work with a will to get their hospital in order where they can properly care for the afflicted They have secured a building corner of Tenth and Cincinnati and yesterday were out making purchases of articles needed immediately They hope to be in actual possession tonight And right here it may be stated that all donations of blankets bedding coal wood provision etc will be thankfully received and will be used to the best advantage

The Sisters arrived penniless and were helped by Father Accusius pastor of St Boniface Church Several ladies of the local community were also very generous in helping the Sisters get started Through the efforts of Mrs Frank Wilke Mrs Anthony Korty Mrs Joseph Luca Mrs Henry Lehnen Mrs Matt Hanson Mrs Peter Leindecker and Mrs John Leuther the building served as both convent for the Sisters and as a hospital for the local community

Over the years our communitys health needs have grown and St Elizabeth has evolved and grown to meet them providing comprehensive compassionate care to all in need The new St Elizabeth East will blend the best attributes of our original facilities but stand as a unique stateoftheart hospital designed for the future equipped to deliver clinical excellence and focused on compassionate patientfocused care
Evergreen Hospital Earns FiveYear BabyFriendly Hospital Designation

KIRKLAND Wash March 29 2012 PRNewswire via COMTEX Evergreen Healthcare today announced it has renewed its fiveyear designation as a BabyFriendly Hospital demonstrating the organizations commitment to adopting new policies and procedures that lead to improved health outcomes for newborns and families The designation is awarded by BabyFriendly US... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More